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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Leuchie House We talked to Colin Leslie, communications and marketing manager at Leuchie House who told,The resources, training and opportunities available to members, together with the wealth of news and,All the staff at Cancer Support Scotland take advantage of the wonderful training opportunities available,The courses, webinars and events offered are wonderful ways of supporting our team, ensuring they feel,We’d love fellow SCVO members and members of the public to join in some of our events to help support

Meet the trainers

He trains on strategic topics such as project management and contracts and service level agreements,,That remains the basis for all of her finance and governance training.,Over the years through our in-house training service, Stevan has delivered in-person first aid training,volunteered for 30 years with a voluntary first aid organisation, attending and managing medical cover for events,ranging from local fairs and fetes to large scale events, such as the Scottish International Air Show

Meet the #EssentialSector campaign contributors

They support friendship matching, date chaperoning and training workshops.,Argyll and Bute Rape Crisis, Helensburgh and Lomond Foodbank, Argyll and Bute Citizens’ Advice and Key Housing,The Hub's own activities include a Menopause Café, coffee mornings and family events.,Since its inception, NDCT has acquired assets on behalf of the community including Buccleuch House -,and consultancy to fund free and accessible LGBTQ+ wellbeing events.

Impact Report 2023/24

Organisations without professional IT skills and expertise in-house could rest assured in the capable,and resources to help the wider sector tell their stories #EssentialSector mobile video training We,Housing providers - we awarded £117,897 in devices and connectivity to 16 organisations providing social,housing or transitional accommodation.,19 Community of Learning sessions 12 in-house workshops 1,300 people reached Digital evolution We helped

SCVO Impact Report 2021/22

and training sessions SCVO highly rated for awareness and regard in PA Advocacy annual survey Influential,meetings with Deputy First Minister, Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local Government,SCVO Scottish Parliament event Hosted by Pam Duncan-Glancy MSP, we organised this well-attended event,We hosted more training events than in 2020/21, delivering 4,000 hours of learning to individuals!,progress on their digital journeys Adopted a more in-depth understanding of digital via our free training

Our prices

Did you know that SCVO can help to deliver key services within your organisation? Our friendly, professional teams can provide affordable support and bags of expertise to help your volunt

Good Governance: Future proofing for trustees conference

On this page you'll find details on: Event hosts and partners Conference agenda and resources Meet the,speakers How to get in touch Event hosts and partners The event was hosted by Scotland's Third Sector,digital checkup Third Sector Human Rights and Equalities who support third sector organisation with training,THRE develops free resources and training to support third sector organisations towards taking a Human,Starting his career in the Cabinet Office and then the House of Commons, Charles has worked in every

Useful contacts

people to include creativity in their every day lives, including advice and information on putting on events,and a directory of local groups and events.,Our expert network of advisers can provide the support, training and information you need to start, develop,Safety Training & Certification | British Safety Council ( The Ethical Property Foundation,Companies House - GOV.UK ( Disclosure Scotland Disclosure Scotland and the Protecting Vulnerable


thegathering@scvo.scotPhone 0131 474 8005 Find out more Third Force News Email Find out more Training,Email training@scvo.scotPhone 0131 474 8005 Find out more SCVO Finance Email finance@scvo.scotAccounts