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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Transparent funding

Transparent funding data is also essential to monitor progress towards Fair Funding.,Latest news & opinion The latest transparent funding news and blogs.,Read more Latest briefings & policy papers The latest transparent funding briefings and policy papers,Read more Latest consultation responses The latest transparent funding consultation responses from the,Read more Contact us If you have any questions on transparent funding, want to discuss our calls in more

I Love Charity

main aims: To support good governance within organisations to ensure they are well run, open and transparent,In the coming months, we’ll release more detail about the programme and keep you posted on opportunities

Community Wealth Building (CWB)

Through our Chief Executive Anna Fowlie’s role on the Scottish Government’s Community Wealth Building Steering Group, we are committed to amplifying and championing the views of the sector, to ensure national legislation reflects what is needed in communities, and the sector is...

Lobbying Act

To comply with the Lobbying Act, organisations must record any instances of regulated lobbying (as defined by the Act) with MSPs on the Lobbying Register. We continually monitor the Act and Register for any potential added burden on Scotland’s voluntary sector. Latest news...

SCVO response to Scottish Labour's Policy Forum

The current and next Scottish Government, post-2026, must prioritise addressing this.,Economy and Fair Work Committee post-legislative scrutiny of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014,: in 2024 the Scottish Parliament’s Economy and Fair Work Committee carried out post-legislative scrutiny,Transparent funding Funding Transparency is essential to understand how funding flows to the voluntary,Transparent funding is also essential to monitor progress towards Fair Funding.

Press coverage tips for charities

the phone and chat – journalists can help form a story or narrow down an angle/hook with youBe transparent,user-generated content (i.e. staff and volunteers using their phones or contacts to create social media posts

Careful now! Your emerging AI strategy 

principles here are to always have a justifiable basis for any data processing, and to be completely transparent,might be able to use AI tools to help produce routine and straightforward content such as social media posts,It’s important to be transparent about your use of AI, and any limitations it might have.


2025/26 will see the new UK government bed in, and preparations begin for Scottish Parliament elections in 2026 and local government elections in 2027. Heading into 2025/26, there are some signs of strain in relationships between the voluntary sector and governments at all levels...

Guide to organisational change

(ACAS) Redundancy Having a plan Having a plan will help you manage the redundancy process with transparency,timelines, calculating redundancy pay correctly and supporting all affected staff to plan for the future, post

Call for urgent review of the Freedom of Information Scotland Act

Members of a new network dedicated to open government have highlighted concerns about legislation