Anna Fowlie, SCVO Chief Executive Welcome to the SCVO Impact Report 2023/24 This page tells you about,Week which offered members six members-only webinars, a prize draw and special offers including an exclusive,821 new members 3 supporters Meet our membership community Find out more about our latest members
Explore,Learn more about our Fair Funding work Policy Network In 2022/2023, we hosted three hundred SCVO members,Communicating value to our members In 2023/24 we worked hard to support the retention of our valued members
Find out more about what’s happening across the UK at Trustees Week 2023.,, culture and values Board and staff relationships Access 1-2-1 support if your organisation is a member,cover Practical governance problems and how to solve them For any trustees that run village and community,It asks a series of questions about your organisation and gives you a personalised action plan at the,Through the trustee network, we offer guidance and information for members of boards and committees,
These questions, and more, were chewed over by politicians, pollsters, and pundits this week at the Holyrood,reducing inequality, driving improved health and wellbeing outcomes for our citizens, fostering community,Last week the Scottish Parliament debated a motion in the name of Kate Forbes MSP, on the economic contribution,It gave politicians the space to consider the importance of the sector to our people, communities, society,Read more about SCVO’s Fair Funding work here
We be brought together 100 trustees and charity and governance experts to celebrate Trustees' Week 2024,Session Two: New charity law in ScotlandThe Charities (Regulation and Administration) (Scotland) Act 2023,She has regular strategic discussions with trustees about the role investments can play in building financial,He is a member of the Charity Law Association.,Get in touch Got questions, feedback or just want to get in touch about the conference?
To celebrate SCVO’s Members' Week, I’m going to share five lessons learned from SCVO’s twenty plus years,Moving beyond events, SCVO are focusing on elevating our members’ online community experience and will,be launching an upgraded online community space for the Policy Network later this year. 5.,Register to attend our free Members' Week event on Monday 4 September at 1.45pm, where you'll have the,chance to learn more about SCVO’s Policy Network and Comms Network.
demand 1 in 5 organisations do not have capacity to meet that demand 10% of organisations are uncertain about,2022 multi-year spending review to deliver on this ask despite extensive lobbying by SCVO and our members,Experience suggests that this will include some organisations not learning about their funding until,this year’s budget makes it difficult for us to gather the information we need from across the sector about,With less than a working week in the run up to Christmas between the budget announcement and the submission
Findings from a recent (September 2023) joint survey of voluntary organisations by SCVO and Social Enterprise,This resulted in weeks of work, but they were the only organisation with capacity to deliver in the area,One charity leader explained that local authorities often publish tenders in the week before Christmas,Along with our community of 3,500+ members and supporters, we want to see a thriving voluntary sector,Contact Paul Bradley - Policy and Public Affairs Manager (up to 28 September 2023)