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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Radical change is needed to limit global warming

Rosie Watson warns that immediate, drastic action is required to successfully limit warming to 1.5 degrees

SCVO response to Building Community Wealth consultation (Scottish Government)

Our engagement with TSIs in CWB pilot areas reveals little work has been done to include the sector in,CWB action planning and delivery.,greater transparency, it is difficult to assess the impact of CWB budgetary decisions, and there is less,Action Plans Action plans were identified as an area in which more work could be done.,This should include more third sector market engagement and working with TSIs to facilitate better engagement

SCVO response to the Finance & Public Administration Committee: Scotland's public finances in 2023-24 - the impact of the cost of living and public service reform

As inflation rises, this poses a threat to cash flows to the sector: people have less money available,As a result, services may become less accessible to the most vulnerable in society and/or necessitate,SCVO’s thought-leadership blog series highlights the economic return on investment generated from public,There is little data available to demonstrate the sector’s climate impact or the support voluntary organisations,in the Open Government Action Plan.

Two years with CLASP Digital

Scottish Government Digital Participation Team approached North Ayrshire charity CLASP (Community Led Action,This blog is a reflection on some of what I have learnt over the past two years.,Imagine also, how much less would be the impact on the environment.,Drilling down a little, it has been further estimated that about 45% of Scotland’s 60+ population is,As a result of this accumulated knowledge, CLASP Digital’s focus going forward will be to engage with

Challenge Poverty Week 2018 - Tackling smoking, reducing poverty

anti-poverty, social and community interests (if you’re reading a Challenge Poverty Week blog then that,Taking action on smoking and health is often a battle between two opposing ways of “framing” the issue,The more I engage with anti-poverty and community groups the more I see a third perspective at play.,wanting to smoke or to quit smoking, people are looking for coping mechanisms, something to do or a little,valid needs that people are seeking to address, and look to support resilience and the development of less

What are the Scottish Government and Parliament’s Tax and Spending Options?

September 2017 Summary Introduction Here at SCVO we have been engaging our members in a wide-ranging,We need to use this opportunity for a more rational, less politicised (we can but hope) debate on the,It is vital that we consider how the budget is structured, as moving a little bit of money here or there,members welcome the recognition that educational inequality has its roots beyond the school gate and that action,behind any taxation system – which we have often repeated (see, for example, here:

SCVO response to Scottish Government Enterprise and Skills consultation

Within a more universal approach we can offer more tailored support to prevent people moving into long,These targets do little to improve the quality, nature and inclusiveness of MAs in Scotland.,At present, SE give little focus to the value of social enterprises at strategic level.,The majority of employers have concerns in these areas, whereas less than a quarter worry about formal,and networks connecting across the whole of Scotland SCVO works to support people to take voluntary action

The effectiveness of the self-regulation of fundraising in Scotland: an informal review

as to who is the ‘professional’ or ‘trade body’ 5.3.7 An effective ‘whistleblowing’ process 5.3.8 A less,We cannot be complacent: we must take action to prevent further scandals before they emerge instead of,’ reported their trust decreasing ‘a lot’ or ‘a little’.,methods of fundraising identified in 5.1 were less viable in Scotland.,(blog) [8] From OSCR’s Scottish Charity Surveys 2014 [9] As above [10] Rapidata (2015) Rapidata announces

Third sector visions for a Scotland of the future

The bigger picture A new economy – less dependency Examining the future of welfare in Scotland without,Eligibility thresholds are continually being raised so that people in “significant need of care” get little,design and implementation of human rights based policies, plans, laws and services…meaningful community engagement,Recent analysis by the Child Poverty Action Group [lv] shows how resources (financial and otherwise),Excuses – Danson and Trebeck (Jimmy Reid Foundation, 2013) [iv]