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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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SCVO Impact Report 2021/22

We were so pleased to offer a brand new, refreshed membership benefits package welcoming more new members,Not only did the Goodmoves website generate significant unrestricted income for SCVO to invest back into,Political agendas influenced by SCVO Fairer funding for the voluntary sector Levelling Up Successors,Scotland website continued to provide accurate, personalised and up-to-date information on funding opportunities,During the pandemic SCVO linked mPower into Connecting Scotland to maximise the digital inclusion needed

Response to Finance and Public Administration Committee Pre-budget Scrutiny: Managing Scotland’s Public

times are tough (e.g. food banks) and support them on their journey out of poverty (e.g. access to benefits,value to the economy by working with over 1 million committed volunteers and by bringing fundraised income,sector also adds value to Scotland’s local and national systems by bringing access to fundraised income,principles would maximise the ability of voluntary organisations to deliver on the Scottish Government,inflation-based uplifts on par with the public sector are built in, allowing organisations to keep-up

Out-of-school-care fund launched

The new Access to Childcare Fund will provide equal opportunities for children to benefit from play-based

Welfare in Working Order Part 1: Welfare 'Reform' and mitigation in Scotland

support from other benefits.,maximisation programmes, can show a return on investment of at least 10:1.,this area should be considered as a minimum mitigation response - A new Financial Security Change Fund,could help to maximise available resources and extend effective approaches more widely.,matching contributions from the financial services sector in Scotland, for example to support the take-up

Thinking about strategic charity reserves management

Not tired up as tangible fixed assets. Not designated – Funds not designated for another purpose.,We can’t ethically take away our support, so our reserves enable us to continue supporting them.’,determine required reserves: Your financial plan and budget Risk of a significant and unexpected fall in income,You can respond and adapt to changing environments, including taking action to mitigate risks.,the voluntary and community sector and to maximising the impact of funding for the benefit of Scotland

Post-legislative scrutiny: Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014

Following up our response to Q2, Fair Work is one of the broader benefits that requires far greater attention,Many voluntary organisations continue to top up funding out of their own income from other sources to,ensure their staff are paid at Real Living Wage rates, propping up public services with income raised,These services often fall by the wayside when funding dries up despite remaining a priority area, leading,Voluntary sector involvement can maximise community benefits and take a more holistic approach.

SCVO's strategy for 2023-28

We learned a lot from that and developed new areas of expertise that we’re taking forward to improve,All SCVO members sign up to our values statement: SCVO members believe in a thriving voluntary sector,By offering a range of member benefits and building a sense of collective activism in the sector, we

Charity hopes for festive funding boost

People Know How is hoping to double supporters’ Christmas donations by taking part in a match funding

Revitalising Trusts project unlocks millions for charities in Scotland

Over £5million from dormant trusts revitalised, with “more to come”.

Programme for Government proposal: Transparent voluntary sector funding

the economy by working with Scotland’s 1.2 million committed volunteers and by bringing fundraised income,sector also adds value to Scotland’s local and national systems by bringing access to fundraised income,Departments across government also take different approaches to voluntary sector funding.,To ensure joined up practical solutions the Third Sector Unit and the Scottish Exchequer should work,Amongst other third sector priorities, the Scottish Government has committed to maximising the impact