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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Community Capacity and Resilience Fund - Round 1 Evaluation, June 2016

The Community Capacity and Resilience Fund (CCRF) is a pilot funding scheme that used a flexible, supportive,and light-touch approach to assist local community-based organisations to pilot innovative and creative,Accompanying paper: individual organisational evaluations of the fund.

The fund is provided by Scottish Government and managed by SCVO.,The main objective of the fund is to provide up to 2 years funding to community-based voluntary organisations,enabling them to:• Pilot small innovative and creative projects, increasing capacity to deliver core,services tackling poverty and social inequality.• Use the funding to scale up pilot projects to attract,more risk-averse grant funding to sustain the work going forward.• Encouraging applications for up to

Growing Climate Confidence: what we've learnt

direct carbon use relates to buildings, and that can be a difficult (and expensive) thing to change Capacity,and support organisations, with our focus clearly targeted at both carbon reduction and climate resilience,“I’ve hit a brick wall of time with too many things to do…” What we’re thinking about next More capacity,and peer learning spaces with a focus on carbon reduction and climate resilience.,Particular thanks to our funding partners the Corra Foundation, the National Lottery Community Fund,

The Cairngorms Trust Nature Resilience Fund has been established by the Cairngorms Trust to support the,building of nature resilience to climate change and tackling biodiversity decline within the Cairngorms,The Fund is interested in building nature resilience to climate change and action to reverse biodiversity,Successful applicants should concentrate on projects that promote capacity building and up-skilling of

Funding to fight poverty in communities

The latest round of the Community Capacity and Resilience Fund closes next week

SCVO's strategy for 2023-28

The financial resilience of the sector has been fragile for a long time and the widely accepted need,We must continue to develop our capacity to address multiple entrenched social, economic and environmental,It brings massive research capacity that is changing people’s lives.,We will enable our members to be ambitious for themselves and their communities, be more resilient and,We will promote excellence in governance, digital capacity, diversity and inclusion.

Committee asks how voluntary sector funding can be improved

sector to secure the resilience and capacity it needs to support the transformation and delivery of person-centred,To support voluntary organisations, our staff and volunteers, and the people and communities our sector,SCVO defines Fair Funding as a long-term, flexible, sustainable, and accessible approach to funding.,other essential Fair Funding elements including: Flexible, unrestricted core funding Inflation-based,a third of voluntary organisations receive funding from local authorities- mulit-year funding should

Impact Report 2023/24

to support these organisations, and as ever, we were inspired by the achievements, strengthand resilience,range of valuable support servicesdirectly from SCVO or via our partners to develop and build their capacity,by funded by SCVO, The Scottish Government, The National Lottery Community Fund and The William Grant,Along with this valuable resource, our Digital Inclusion team continued building vital digital capacity,Cyber was high on our agenda too as we reinvigorated activity in the sector to increase cyber resilience

Board of trustees

and in professional services firms including KPMG and PWC, in both an executive and non-executive capacity,Steven Marwick Performance and impact advisor, Inspiring Scotland's Equality and Human Rights Fund Steven's,day job is Performance and Impact Advisor with Inspiring Scotland's Equality and Human Rights Fund.,He worked in Scottish Government Third Sector Unit and the National Lottery Community Fund and then for,committed to supporting other third-sector organisations to thrive, contributing to a stronger, more resilient