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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Coronavirus and Scotland Follow up, Scottish Affairs Select Committee - response from SCVO

still be operating in 12 months' time, the lowest confidence we have seen since we started to regularly survey,This does not include publicly, or independently, funded posts which were not eligible for furlough.,SCVO welcomed the announcement of support which, while much of the funding was concentrated on local,These funds went a long way to helping voluntary organisations through the immediate pressures of the,As detailed above, Scottish financial support to the sector was largely in the form of emergency funding

Public bodies still refusing fair funding to local charities

New research uncovers the true battle local charities and community organisations still face accessing,funding from public bodies

Older people urgently need support to get through another difficult winter 

LifeCare encourages people to share a little warmth through the charity’s Winter Warmer appeal

SCVO response to the Social Justice & Social Security Committee: Charities (Regulation & Administration) (Scotland) Bill

the Charities (Regulation and Administration) (Scotland) Bill conducted in January 2023 via an online survey,This has never been more evident than over the course of the last few years but we cannot forget that, long,having been in place now for almost two decades, the need for modernisation and improvement has been a long-time,regarding this Bill, including meetings with both the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local,Instead, it is important we ask how legislation and other forms of non-legislative regulatory interventions

SCVO response to the Finance and Public Administration Committee's National Performance Framework inquiry

SCVO has been a long-time supporter of the National Performance Framework since its inception in 2007,Such tools should not be viewed as an exercise in form-filling but rather to help policymakers think,in Scotland to take complete account of their decisions' short and long-term impact by assessing the,Befriending Networks discussed how they used the NPF when considering applying for new funding.,demonstrated in the significant presence of voluntary organisations in the structured conversations and online survey

Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee - Procurement Reform

SCVO has responded to the call from the Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee’s for views on the post-legislative,Involving the sector ensures a much wider range of skills, expertise, local knowledge and experience,In addition, it has long championed improving social, environmental and economic wellbeing and tackling,Partnership for Procurement (p4p) programme has enabled some smaller voluntary sector organisations to form,Local Equality Impact Assessments on procurement must take this into serious consideration.

SCVO submission to the House of Lords: lessons from coronavirus

The Scottish Household Survey reveals that 28% of adults in Scotland volunteer.,of the sector's income comes from the public sector, with more than half (59%) of this earned in the form,These funds have gone a long way to helping voluntary organisations through the immediate pressures of,This does not include publicly, or independently, funded posts that are not eligible for furlough.,There is a need for funding to meet the expected increased demand on the sector post-lockdown, and to

Coronavirus, next steps & communities

Respondents to our 2019 Sector Forecast Survey echoed known challenges of increasing demand against a,demand: There is a need for funding to meet the expected increased demand on the sector post-lockdown,Time is required to form new social partnerships between the government and different sectors.Lessons,collaborate in a balanced way with each of the different sectors – including the voluntary sector – to form,and matters relating to Scotland’s voluntary sector must be designed with us and our beneficiaries in local

Third Sector Forecast 2019

About the survey The survey was open from 21 November 2018 to 9 January 2019, and distributed through,The survey was completed by 318 respondents. 2.,a secondary challenge 88% of respondents currently access some form of public sector funding (grants,of sector 5 Uncertainty / inability to plan for long term 5 Health and social care 5 Core funding 4,the most common challenge cited by respondents.The lack of long-term funding, and inability to make

Greater collaboration needed to improve funding process

I recently attended the Corra Foundation’s conference on funding (Corra being the relaunched Lloyds TSB,(on that one, it’s worth checking out SCVO’s Funding Scotland's website.,process (application forms, monitoring and evaluation, etc.), and what organisations can deliver.,But those being funded aren’t asking for the causes that funders fund to be the same – what they need,Next month I’m off to another funded/funder conference, Funding for the Future, put together by Scotland