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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Daily coronavirus roundup for third sector

News on how Scotland's voluntary sector is responding to the pandemic

Programme for Government: A brave new world?

The response from the sector has generally been positive – with new funds established to tackle child,The First Minister also signalled her intention to set up an expert group to explore how Scotland can,This is certainly an interesting concept and at SCVO we have long been keen to see how effective this,and local authorities to ensure any pilot project is co-produced with those currently in receipt of social,security payments.

A time of transitions and new agendas

The Scotland Bill is nearing its end-game within the UK Parliament.,SCVO has worked hard to secure a number of commitments on the back of this Bill, including the need to,Here in Scotland, the Scottish Government's big Fairer Scotland Conversation is beginning to wrap up,,have relied heavily on our sector in setting the terms and principles of this discussion - one about a socially,Our sector's response to will be critical.

SCVO Briefing - Welfare Reform and Work Bill

the Bill which seek to cut social security and further unpick an already fragile safety net for working,security.,Impact on Scotland Bill As benefits to be devolved are included in the Welfare and Work Bill – e.g.,SCVO works in partnership with the third sector in Scotland to advance our shared values and interests,As the only inclusive representative umbrella organisation for the sector SCVO: has the largest Scotland-wide

A new democracy for Scotland: Discussion paper by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

As was witnessed during the referendum campaign, and beyond, social media provides a vital forum for,Partner this online presence with social media, discussion and e-petition functionality, and we have,Scotland’s people and communities deserve a far more responsible approach to people’s stewardship of,SCVO wants to secure both recognition and greater support for the role of the third sector in our democracy,Crowdsourcing uses web and social media tools to get and manage a large number of people’s input to an

Integration of Adult Health and Social Care: Consultation on proposals

We should be considering how we secure sustainable of health and care provision – and that is by reducing,This Bill must provide a framework for reshaping how health and social care operates.,The Public Bodies Bill has a focus on only two parts of the jigsaw puzzle – health and social care.,:// [ii],/media-release-investing-in-frontline-community-groups-is-best-way-to-mitigate-the-impact-of-welfare-cuts

Health and Sport Committee call for evidence: Public Bodies (Joint Working) Scotland bill

security, constitutional uncertainty and institutional ‘territorialism’ presents a major challenge that,The question should be “how we secure sustainable health and care provision?”,Voluntary Health Scotland, Health and Social Care Alliance will emphasise this important point.,Conclusion A strengthened bill could provide a framework for reshaping how health and social care operate,/media_232766_en.pdf [10]