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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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SCVO submission to the Law Family Commission on Civil Society

Only a third of the Scottish voluntary sector’s income comes from voluntary sources such as donations,Emphasise the importance and viability of new flexible funding arrangements for the voluntary sector,,These include: Valuing the Third Sector: Looking ahead to the Scottish Government’s Draft Budget 2020,a new approach to funding and collaborative working.,The latest primary research conducted by SCVO is the Third Sector Forecast, 2019.

SCVO response to the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery

They also have a big role to play in protecting Scotland’s environment as well as campaigning and advocating,A new approach to budgeting: Future spending rounds will define the type of economic recovery, meaning,Research-based charities will have crucial insights to contribute to national discussions.,A new approach to budgeting Future spending rounds will define the type of economic recovery, meaning,The Scottish Parliament's recent inquiry on sector funding reported that short-term public funding, sometimes

A new democracy for Scotland: Discussion paper by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

to react and even change policy mid-campaign.,On a practical level, local third sector organisations could facilitate community-led peer networks,,Public authorities should work with third sector organisations to catalogue these groups and analyse,So, how does the third sector fit into all this?,report 2014

SCVO response: Smith Commission

In 2013, over 70% of third sector organisations had experienced a significant increase in demand for,Yet, if Scotland is to have the coherent, harmonised welfare system to which many in the third sector,The third sector in Scotland delivers a range of support and employability services to help people in,, is broadly supported by the third sector.,October 2014 Policy Officers Network, 16 people - 21 October 2014 Third sector employability forum,

Slash in public sector funding forcing charities to rely on goodwill of general public

, Scottish Government needs to invest more in third sector Following a £200m (20%) drop from 2010-2013,also increased by over £100m since 2010 New research published today by the Scottish Council for Voluntary,Organisations (SCVO) on funding and spending patterns of charities and other third sector organisations,Ruchir Shah, Policy Manager, SCVO said: “It’s really encouraging to hear our new First Minister say she,The Scottish third sector turns over £4.9 billion a year and employs 138,000 people in over 45,000 organisations

Snapshot of charity funding reveals big freeze

Every two years SCVO data elves analyse hundreds of third sector annual accounts to produce a snapshot,I’ve personally analysed thousands of charity accounts during my time as research officer here at SCVO,What I did not expect was that the review of funding in 2013 would throw up major shifts in the sector,Organisations are revamping business plans, developing new delivery models, setting up funding sub-committees,, sourcing new income streams, and investing in trading activities.

#givingtuesday reminds us it’s better to give than to receive

We’ve just had the hyped-up shopping binges of Black Friday and Cyber Monday and now today we have a new,Perhaps not the best response from someone working in the third sector, but it does show that not only,But it’s not about making people feel guilty about spending money on their loved ones.,Last month SCVO research found that donations from the public rose by a huge £270m in the last three,to raise awareness and vital funds.

Local funding survey

for much of the third sector.,Jenny Bloomfield, Policy Officer, Spring 2017 Introduction to the data The third sector is diverse, working,“Had already agreed amount requested frozen since 2013.”,For new and small organisations there's often next to no support or funding available due to the restrictive,We will continue to work with the third sector and the public sector to ensure a robust system of funding

An Economy for All report #economyforall

It is not unusual for people to ask why we are looking at the economy, after all the third sector is,Shouldn’t we be focussing on charity tax, third sector procurement and water rates?,The third sector has grown as a result but should we be happy with this?,’ of 40% of local government spending i.e. remedial spending due to inequality, highlighted by the Christie,We are not just talking here about people who contribute to the third sector through formal volunteering