and supporters than ever before into our community. 655 new members 32 new supporters Meet our membership,Jobs Scotland We celebrated 10 years of Community Jobs Scotland (CJS) – one of the country’s most successful,Community Planning Improvement Board The Scottish Parliament’s Finance and Public Administration Committee,by funded by SCVO, The Scottish Government, The National Lottery Community Fund and The William Grant,Community navigators supported people to develop wellbeing plans, connecting them to activities in their
We've come a long way since the 'digital duct tape' of 2020 and 2021, where everyone pivoted rapidly,SCVO's new digital strategy playbook In this session, we introduced SCVO's new digital strategy playbook,Action Plan to support charities in becoming more cyber resilient.,Clients include Turning Point Scotland, Scotland’s Housing Network, The National Lottery Community Fund,David is currently a Trustee of the Digital Xtra Fund and Recharge, an East Lothian youth work charity
However, the new Energy Bill Discount Scheme offers significantly reduced support. £18.4bn over 6 months,Levelling-up The UK Government’s funding for levelling up reached £2.08 billion in Scotland in 2022,,retain skilled staff and volunteers, plan for the long-term, and deliver quality outcomes.,This rate has remained static for 10 years and there is a lack of clarity from the treasury regarding,, and to promote community connection and resilience.
with over 135,000 staff – 5% of Scotland's 2.67 million workers – and a turnover of £8.6 billion in 2021,, as outlined in SCVO’s State of the Sector 2022.,In 2021: 64.5% of the voluntary sector's paid staff were women.,"Equality, opportunity, community: New leadership – A Fresh Start," they often only mention the NPF,does it necessitate institutions to evaluate the impact of their decisions and actions against the 11
In the policy prospectus, Equality, opportunity, community: New leadership - A fresh start, the Scottish,The findings from wave five of the Scottish Third Sector Tracker suggest that 10% of organisations are,strategies, including the 2021/22 Budget, the Economic Strategy, and the 2021/22 Programme for Government,and requested that the Scottish Government work with the sector on developing new funding models.,day of the new financial year.
Scotland’s workforce, and voluntary organisations had a combined annual turnover of over £8.56 billion in 2021,resulting running costs and living costs crisis have seriously weakened the voluntary sector’s resilience,Next steps The UK Autumn Statement is debated the week of 21/11/2022. ,in 5 and 10 years.,Other headlines and analysis Uprated benefits by 10.1% costing £11 billion.
capture all of its assets and provide the basis for a holistic view of paths to a more robust and resilient,, “Christie 10-years on”, the Auditor General for Scotland noted that Scotland is suffering from “a major,The committee may wish to consider the Programme for Government 2021-2022 commitment to introduce a new,Befriending Networks discussed how they used the NPF when considering applying for new funding.,Along with our community of 2,900+ members, we believe that charities, social enterprises, and community