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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Aaron Slater

Digital Inclusion Manager

Digital and Programmes

Latest posts by Aaron Slater

SCVO is a delivery partner for Digital Health and Care Scotland’s Digital Inclusion Programme and we’re now seeking a dynamic evaluation partner to join us.   Read more

The Digital Participation Charter Fund was first launched 9 years ago in October 2014, but back then we called it the Challenge Fund. The Challenge Fund set out to support organisations that work closely with local communities to “digitising content, building digital networks or... Read more

A new paper has been published which presents a framework for digital inclusion in health and social care. Co-authored by Aaron Slater, Digital Inclusion Manager (SCVO) and Dr Tara French, Digital Inclusion Lead (Digital Health & Care Directorate, Scottish Government), the paper... Read more

A changing landscape I joined SCVO in the summer of 2019, and in the three years I’ve worked in digital inclusion I’ve seen a remarkable transformation of digital inclusion. In early 2020 we were largely working with the willing – those organisations that could see the benefit of... Read more

In this joint blog our Digital Participation Project Manager Aaron Slater and Digital Inclusion Development Officer Claire Sharp explain their approach to digital wellbeing. How did we get here? Aaron: As we approach the end of January there’s one big topic that has dominated... Read more

Two recent reports help shed some light on attitudes and behaviour towards digital, providing insights on how we can target interventions more effectively. Ofcom have published their annual Adults Media Use and Attitudes Report, and Lloyds Bank have published their Consumer... Read more

SCVO Response to the Scottish Government's Digital Strategy About SCVO The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the national membership organisation for the voluntary sector. We champion the sector, provide services, and debate big issues. Along with our... Read more

Last week Lloyds Bank published their annual UK Consumer Digital Index 2020, giving us an overview of the digital inclusion landscape across the UK. This annual publication provides insights to attitudes and behaviours of those who are online and offline, a useful resource for... Read more

It’s hard to think of any event in recent times that’s galvanised change the way the coronavirus pandemic has. As a society we’ve adapted the way we access services and interact with one another. We’ve seen service delivery models move to digital platforms to enable continued... Read more

We recently published a blog about the importance of digital during an extended period of self-isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We invited people from the voluntary sector, public sector and housing associations to join us in an online community to start thinking about how... Read more