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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Paul Bradley

Former Policy & Public Affairs Manager at SCVO

Latest posts by Paul Bradley

Last August, SCVO's Chief Executive Anna Fowlie called on the voluntary sector to embrace Scotland's National Performance Framework (NPF). Referring to it as a 'beacon of hope', she explained that the framework must be more than an aspirational rallying call. We must measure our... Read more

Many organisations across the charity and wider voluntary sector are gearing up for Scotland’s largest voluntary sector event - The Gathering -organised by SCVO. This year Scottish Government, OSCR and SCVO are holding a joint event to consider how each can strengthen charities... Read more

You're never standing still in a policy role at SCVO. One minute, you're getting to grips with charity law or the voluntary sector's contribution to Scotland's National Outcomes. Then you're asked to get your head around state investment banks. SCVO and Social Enterprise Scotland... Read more

SCVO and SES briefing to the Scottish Parliament 20 January 2020 Summary The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations and Social Enterprise Scotland support this Bill. We welcome the development of a Scottish National Investment Bank that works for the whole of Scotland, in... Read more

Yesterday, SCVO joined over 100 other bodies on Human Rights Day calling for political leaders to ensure hard won rights are protected. People of good conscience from across the political spectrum would find it difficult to challenge the view that we should all live with equal... Read more

Next month will mark three years since I joined the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations. That itself is a record for me, the longest time spent at any organisation. This has, though, been my first full year in my current role as a policy and campaigns officer. In that... Read more

SCVO response to Scottish Government 04 December 2019 FOI extension of coverage consultation Scottish Government SCVO ResponseDownload Our position SCVO champions the importance of transparency within Scotland’s voluntary sector and supports the overall aim of the FOISA... Read more

SCVO and SES briefing to the Scottish Parliament 18 November 2019 Download a copy of this briefingDownload Summary The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations and Social Enterprise Scotland support this bill and welcome the development of a Scottish National Investment Bank... Read more

SCVO and SES briefing to the Scottish Parliament September 2019 Summary This briefing sets out both the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisation’s (SCVO) and Social Enterprise Scotland’s (SES) support for the Scottish National Investment Bank Bill – on the condition that this... Read more

We've known that tackling the climate emergency would be the prime agenda item for this year's Programme for Government, and rightly so. The First Minister announced several 'Green Deal' policy commitments. These included decarbonising the transport system, the transition away... Read more