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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Scottish Charity Awards winners - 2021 We announced the winners of the 2021 Scottish Charity Awards at,a fabulous online award ceremony, hosted by the fantastic Sally Magnusson on 1st October 2021.,You can also watch last year’s Scottish Charity Awards ceremony online via our YouTube channel: https,winner at the Scottish Charity Awards 2021! ,Charity Awards.

SCVO response to Scottish Labour's Policy Forum

Adopt, and publish awards to, the 360Giving Data Standard, including basic identifier core fields such,as recipient name, organisation, and charity number Include all spending in the Scottish Government’,This includes 23,600 Scottish charities and over 1,000 UK-wide charities operating in Scotland.,Small charities (under £100,000 and new charities) make up 80% of the charity sector, but account for,to adopt and apply our Fair Funding policy asks to all grants and contracts, which are crucial to effective

Apply now for the Scottish Charity Awards 2021!

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is calling for charities and individuals across,the country to apply for its annual charity awards.,Now in its 15th year, the Scottish Charity Awards highlight the best, most innovative and effective charity,Anna Fowlie, Chief Executive of SCVO, said: “The Scottish Charity Awards showcase some of the most inspiring,Charities can apply until 5pm on Friday 14 May 2021.

Bank account comparison table

Which is the best bank account for your charity?,Bank of Scotland Charity Account(for charities, registered societies, religious organisations and places,street branch network and at Post Office branches Account management online, by phone or by post Can apply,banking with dual authorisation Free presentation cheques to use when making a large donation or awarding,savings accounts available All information featured above collated by the Scottish Council for Voluntary

Scottish Charity Awards to take place this autumn

There are revamped and new categories for this year's ceremony, which celebrates the vital work carried out by Scotland's voluntary sector

Response to Social Justice and Social Security Committee Pre-budget Scrutiny: Third sector funding principles

; however, the wider principles apply to all funders, including local government.,annual funding cycles are common, their challenges are exacerbated when delays to decision-making and awarding,employees and the experience and expertise that they provide.Even where voluntary organisations have been awarded,In August 2021, 56% of organisations reported an increased demand in core services and activities, rising,Registered Charity Question 7.

SCVO Impact Report 2021/22

as Saltire Award participants, resulting in over 7,000 Saltire Awards achieved and over 300,000 volunteering,, we held a hustings for the 2021 Scottish election featuring all the party leaders, hosted by Brian,Film Awards.,Celebrating the sector SCVO’s 2021 Scottish Charity Awards were held online for the second year.,In 2021/22, thousands of charities and social enterprises: Used our digital resources to progress on

Seven charities aim to receive vital funding boost

£30,000 is up for grabs in the ScottishPower Foundation Awards

SCVO Digital Call To Action 3

and support organisations Introduction This is our third Call to Action for a Digitally Confident Scottish,In this report, we reflect on the digital progress the Scottish Voluntary Sector has made since 2018.,Within the voluntary sector, groups such as #CharitySoWhite have highlighted that charities need to take,progress Write a user needs statement for one of your core services and discuss it with your team Apply,Organisations need to apply digital and service design thinking right across their organisations, rather

To bank or not to bank, that’s the reality for some voluntary sector organisations

Charities are facing an increase in fees for basic transactions, misleading and inconsistent information,OSCR revealed in 2021 that banking issues were a key impact of Covid on the sector in Scotland.,to apply for or be awarded grants at a crucial time.,the UK and a broad cross-section of banking providers were invited to take part in the project in 2021,SCVO joined as the Scottish partner to ensure the needs of our sector were represented and advocated