Funding is, both in terms of general principles and the specific asks we are making of the Scottish Government,We have tracked all of the Scottish Government’s commitments of relevance to Fair Funding to date and,will continue to do so, to ensure that we are able to hold the Government to account.,amplify those voices as best we can, to ensure that Fair Funding is implemented by the Scottish Government
You can find the whole range of our recorded webinars on the SCVO YouTube channel - as well as lots more videos curated for the voluntary sector in Scotland. Highlights We've picked some highlights for you here by topic, to get you started:
Funding, work began this year to ensure that all voluntary organisations funded by the Scottish Government,Our intelligence suggests that, while progress has been made in a few government departments, this target,I am confident we can rely on your support as we work with officials in government to make good on this,dilution of these commitments would be a significant blow and damage the sector’s relationships with government
That is why we were pleased when the Scottish Government agreed to our calls, committing in late 2022,And, encouragingly, conversations between the government and the sector were kicked off at the Gathering,in November, during which Scottish Government officials engaged with voluntary organisations on how,The Scottish Government suggests that this is required because the review has to be thorough and worthwhile,Because the Scottish Government’s response to that question is incredibly important.
Summary SCVO welcomed the Scottish Government commitment to deliver ‘Fairer Funding’ by 2026 in the Policy,As local councils fund far more voluntary organisations than Scottish government, the fallout from the,The solution SCVO welcomes the Scottish Government commitment to deliver ‘Fairer Funding’ by 2026, but,To make progress the Scottish Government should align ‘Fairer Funding’ with SCVO’s definition of Fair,To make progress the Scottish Government must develop timelines and goals and monitor progress.