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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Conservatives Win Big in General Election '19

Certainly it looks like we'll soon be served our 'oven ready' Brexit.,Oh, and that’s before the Party even attempts to settle internal divisions over Brexit and elects a new,This is somewhat debatable, given that the party campaigned heavily on 'Stop Brexit' and 'Stop Boris',It will be interesting to see if the re-election of Boris Johnson and the reality of Brexit will boost

Funding of EU Structural Fund Priorities in Scotland, post-Brexit

ScotlandDownload Our positions Scottish Parliament should be the ultimate accountable body for any post-Brexit,Constitution Committee’s inquiry into the Funding of EU Structural Fund Priorities in Scotland, post-Brexit,further engagement with our third sector members to develop these views as more information on post-Brexit,The Scottish Parliament must be the authority to which all replacement funds for Scottish post-Brexit,A population-based share would be 8.4%.Future planning and delivery of post-Brexit funds must be done

Citizens' Assembly is logical Brexit choice

Wading in to the Brexit melee - alongside all other living Prime Ministers, with the notable exception,At SCVO, we’ve been consistent in our positions around Brexit - focussing on the human element of the

SCVO submission to the Law Family Commission on Civil Society

Seizing the Opportunity: The case for embracing civil society’s role in democracy (2021), Brexit Civil

Brexit: Not what the doctor ordered

wellbeing of citizens – which makes the complete lack of assessment and planning around the impact of Brexit,Therefore, any threat to the third sector (and Brexit is as big as they come) is, by extension, going,Brexit really does seem to represent a perfect storm.,The chaotic nature of the Brexit negotiations makes it difficult for the sector to gain any concessions,However, along with colleagues we are pushing the UK Government to properly assess the impact of Brexit

Stage One Debate on the Scottish Budget 2020-21

voluntary sector but for people and communities across Scotland; from the delays to budgets as a result of Brexit,amplified last year through a short period of uncertainty over the Scottish budget process caused by Brexit

Time key to preventing Brexit disaster

I’m no Carol Vorderman, but the numbers don’t look good for Theresa May pushing her Brexit deal through,But her subsequent call for unity was misinterpreted, as hardline Brexiteers, Remainers (and many inbetween,(And on one occasion even threw in 'or no Brexit'). That tactic seems to have failed.,No one on the Leave side campaigned for a 'No Deal' Brexit, and it's nonsense to suggest this would respect,ongoing court case presents the opportunity for the UK to withdraw the Article 50 letter that set the Brexit

Organisations call for independent review of Brexit’s impact on health and social care

Politicians are set to consider plans for an independent review of Brexit’s impact on health and social,Organisations from across the UK fear that potential changes in rules, as a result of Brexit, related,"The unfolding shambles that is Brexit means that two years after the referendum, we still have no idea,It simply seeks to provide transparency about how those likely to be hardest hit by Brexit are actually,“The combined impact of these issues has created an urgent need for evaluation of Brexit’s impact on


Funding Scotland