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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Wishing a fond farewell to the dreaded anti-advocacy clause

The Cabinet Office has announced changes to the UK Government’s planned anti-advocacy clause, the one,What about Scottish Government Grants? The changes don’t apply here.,Grants made by UK Government departments and arm’s length bodies.,The UK Government’s Standards document has more detail.,What do the standards mean for UK Government grants?

Is it time to incorporate your village hall?

around for a long time. 30% of halls are 19th Century and over 70% are pre-1960s, which means their governing

When setting up a SCIO, sometimes two tiers is better

If you have any questions about incorporation, SCIOs, or any aspect of governance and constitutions,

Briefing: health and social care standards

Staff awareness and training should be a key consideration for the Scottish Government moving forward,charities, community groups, social enterprises and voluntary organisations of all shapes and sizes our governance

SCVO response to Scottish Government Enterprise and Skills consultation

Although overall economic growth is important, the third sector is interested in encouraging Government,The Scottish Government is in the process of developing a framework for social security that is centred,These targets are symbolic of broader prescriptiveness from Government.,Streamlining Through working with SDS and the Scottish Government, there may be possibilities for greater,It is not the sole responsibility of Scottish Government and its agencies to fulfil the economic strategy

Trustees need to be more strategic to build better governance

about strategic forward planning, and that’s why it’s vital to understand the difference between governance,Instead, as a trustees you’re on the board to steer and govern your organisation.,It’s in your board meetings where good governance can be practised, and it’s important to think about,SCVO will be running six Building Better Governance seminars from September to November 2016.,Aimed at chairs, trustees, chief executives and senior management who have a governance function within

Successful applications to the Community Capacity & Resilience Fund phase two

This investment from Scottish Government will increase the capacity and resilience of communities and,Often it is council or other government organisations who provide assistance with benefits forms and

Understand SCIOs, tiers & all things charity governance-related

A SCIO is governed by charities legislation, rather than lengthy company law, (the companies Act 2006,If you’ve got any questions about SCIOs, or any aspect of governance or running your voluntary organisation,If you’ve got any questions about SCIOs, or any aspect of governance or running your voluntary organisation

Funding Scotland