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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

SCVO governance goes international

of our members, the Network of International Development Organisations in Scotland (NIDOS) on a Governance,It’s a tool-kit that offers support to trustees on governance, finances, people and legislation.,Governing an organisation well relies on hard work and commitment, pretty much like any relationship,Poor governance won’t just affect your monthly board meetings, it could lead to the failure of the whole,So, how to you make sure your governance is great?

Meet David!

Working with the Scottish Government, we’re aiming to equip more people with basic digital skills by:

Don’t let the UK Government steal this opportunity for our sector

We have a very supportive Scottish Government.,The Scottish Government has endorsed SCVO’s recent fundraising review, OSCR is on board and, from the

The EU Referendum: guidance for charities

demonstrate that campaigning: will advance their charitable purpose; is not prohibited by their governing,, community groups, social enterprises and voluntary organisations of all shapes and sizes; our governance

We need your views on fundraising in Scotland

Finally, for good measure, include observers from OSCR and the Scottish Government’s charity and consumer,The Review’s recommendations, and decisions subsequently made by the UK Government, do not impact directly

Changing the way we do business at OSCR

However, the nature of the questions will change, with much more focus on issues about governance.,The aim is to contribute to the good governance of a charity.

Digital delights ripe for the picking

really interesting topic we’ll be examining is the opportunities, threats and potential of digital governance,digital means that there are so many new ways of working, and trustees need to ensure that their governance,The publication ‘Wired to Govern: A trustee’s handbook for the digital revolution’ from the law firm,‘Wired to Govern’ a social media policy template and a useful checklist for digital governance.

Chancellor’s employability cash grab may kill Scotland Bill

The Work Programme, once the pride and joy of the UK government, has always been deeply unpopular and,With the UK Government in control of Job Centres and Universal Credit, it will continue to hold all the,The Scottish Government had prepared for this by having extensive consultation with stakeholders.,The on-going discussions between governments on the fiscal framework are, of course, critical to what,For this reason the Scottish Government should refuse to sign up to the fiscal framework until Scotland

Funding Scotland