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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

SCVO briefing - do the right thing: save the Human Rights Act

support – leadership and a desire to do the right thing have been at the heart of Scotland’s devolved government,The UN conventions must also sit at the heart of the Programme for Government and drive how the Budget,This must continue to be challenged by the Scottish Government, political parties and wider civic society,We urge the Scottish Government to arrange an urgent convention to consider how civic society, public,services, communities and all levels of government can collectively prepare for these cuts.

Charities must take responsibility for fundraising in Scotland

The Scottish Government asked SCVO to conduct the informal review to run alongside a review of fundraising

#Employability special - work, worth and a fairer Scotland

How can we work with our elected representatives and Government officials to ensure that one area of

More jobs for young people furthest from labour market

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations has received funding of £1.3m from the Scottish Government,This Government funding will broaden the employment horizons for many veterans, offering them a much

Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002: Extension of Coverage

this would be to insert a Freedom of Information clause into all contractual relationships between government,on charities and social enterprises and would discriminate against them in respect of their non-government,We welcome that the factors outlined by the Scottish Government give consideration to whether coverage,We note Nicola Sturgeon MSP’s comments to the Local Government Committee in 2013: ‘I expect to open consultation,As Arms-Length External Organisations in their governance, funding and services delivered are essentially

Fundraising in Scotland: survey report

followed shortly afterwards by the announcement of an informal Scottish review by the Scottish Government,SCVO was asked by Scottish Government to carry out this informal review.,(iv) funding from organizations - donations from regulatory sources (government agencies); (v) funding,This all needs government backing and perhaps a fundraising regulator needs to sit alongside OSCR more,have access to the support and resources that are being eroded shamefully by this present Tory Government

Call for Evidence, Welfare Reform Committee - The Future of Social Security

the existing clauses will serve to reduce the policy autonomy which current and future Scottish Governments,We ask the Committee to question UK Government officials and ministers about any impact assessment of,Some of the blame for this lies with the UK Government, the current neo-liberal economic approach and,Scottish Government), is effective.,The First Minister has committed her government to being open and transparent.

Calling all third sector providers of digital services

Assisted Digital Services: The provision of support services to anyone who cannot use or access government's,For a more detailed explanation, please see this blog from the Government Digital Service (GDS).,The centralised framework makes it simpler for 3rd sector organisations to contract with the Government

Work, wages and wellbeing in the Scottish labour market

This was followed by a UK Government programme of austerity measures and welfare reforms.,What can the Scottish Government and public policy makers do to improve job quality in Scotland?,There are various means open to the Scottish Government and other policy makers to improve our economy,The Scottish Government has moved someway against this through its National Performance Framework (NPF,There is much the Scottish Government and other policy-makers can do to improve the current situation

Shaping the Scotland Bill

Scotland Bill serves to devolve powers to the Scottish Parliament, not to the current Scottish Government,power directly to local authorities, or by devolving powers (or reserving them) with a specific government’s

Funding Scotland