Our response Question 1 – Do you agree that the Government’s three core principles are appropriate to,By developing strong links with parliamentarians and government officials the third sector has formed,They have the responsibility to protect the integrity of the Scottish Parliament and the Scottish Government,would not want third sector organisations to have to record all their meetings with the Scottish Government,Question 9 – Do you agree with the Government’s view that paid lobbyists should be required to register
Announcing her programme for government, she stated three key national priorities: fairness, participation,Social justice can refer to an overarching approach by government and civil society to redress the stark,When the Scottish Government begins work on taking forward its social justice strategy, it must first,As the Scottish Government embarks on its national conversation, it must reach into communities across,If the Scottish Government is serious about its programme for fairness, participation and prosperity,
“The Scottish Government is inviting you to have your say on what a fairer Scotland should look like,This is the conversation that the Scottish Government is attempting to have with the Scottish people,and I attended the snappily titled “Social Security and Social Justice – Joint SCVO and Scottish Government,this was not about asking us to choose between two or three pre-determined options but that the government
Despite concerted calls from civil society this week, the UK Government has chosen to ignore concerns,Unless the clauses of the Bill are widened, the Scottish Government will be limited in what it could,Don’t be hoodwinked by UK Government spinning of the poverty figures - and try not to laugh too much,Evidence from other devolved governments and from across the voluntary sector paints a telling and very,It is against this backdrop that charities and Scottish Government officials are coming together for
By emphasising social justice, the Scottish Government has arguably expressed an interest in tackling,The Scottish Government has committed to the following actions, among others, to take forward a social,This has a new focus on rebalancing the economy by linking government economic strategies with action,However, after decades of well-meaning policy initiatives it should also be clear that: Government by,The proposed £12 billion of welfare cuts by the UK Government.
Her lecture examined the UK Government policy on Fuller Working Lives in the context of research evidence,Both are valuable activities which make an unseen contribution to the economy but in terms of the government,Here’s an infographic that summarises the government’s approach, which seems to be full-time employment,But who is it a loss for: the government or the individual?
would in effect become a public spending measure, subject then to chops and changes made by the Government,In order to maintain the UK rate of Gift Aid against lower Scottish income tax rates, the UK Government,Alternatively, the Scottish Government could seek compensation from the UK Government but without any,Under the previous Coalition Government, a number of VAT rebates for charities were enacted for academy,This is a relatively easy measure to enact, as the UK Government could simply allocate a Barnett formula