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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill Stage 3

During this time the Scottish Government, the Local Government and Regeneration Committee and the Rural,Part 3A - Community Right to Buy We welcome the government’s efforts to improve the definition of what,It is therefore disappointing that the government has brought forward an amendment at stage 3 to defer,However, this Bill must be seen as just a small part of the change required - the actions of government,charities, community groups, social enterprises and voluntary organisations of all shapes and sizes our governance

SCVO Briefing - Scotland Bill Committee Stage, Third Day (Clauses 19-30, Part 3)

complexity for service users - something which the third sector, the DWP and Ministers across both Governments,we believe that the powers to be transferred must be shaped in a way which give future Scottish Governments,The potential impact of this clause on the Scottish Government’s widening of the Scottish Welfare Fund,this way is what many in the third sector and activists would hope to see from our parties and governments,enterprises and voluntary organisations of all shapes and sizes. has democratic and accountable governance

Scottish Charity Awards are a reminder what my work‘s really about

You spend your days trying to analyse the latest government guidance, talking to politicians about how,United v Prostate Cancer: 5 Inequalities, 5 Solutions’ aimed to influence MSPs and the Scottish Government,The campaign proposed five ‘solutions’, which included changing the Scottish Government’s position on

SCVO Briefing: Scotland Bill 2nd Reading

felt that the wishes of people affected by further devolution have been ignored by the Westminster government,Whilst the commitment of the Scottish Government to engage people widely on how the new powers will be,Indeed, Clause 21 may well reduce the current flexibilities which have allowed the Scottish Government,This is creating concern as it again limits the ability of the Scottish Government to seek alignment,The effect of the Scotland Bill as it stands may be to limit the ability of the Scottish Government and

Response to the Devolution (Further Powers) Committee - UK Government Draft Legislative Clauses

There have already been arguments between the two Governments about the interpretation of these clauses,employment support programmes through its retention of the sanctions regime, while the Scottish Government,This clearly limits the scope of the Scottish Government to restructure employment support programmes,For example, draft clause 16 relating to Carers Allowance retains the following UK Government restrictions,These restrictions will clearly limit the scope of the Scottish Government to redesign this benefit,

It could have been much worse…

Simon Duffy (of the Centre for Welfare Reform) described the government, pre-election, as the worst in,Creating a more cohesive society – a key Government goal within the Queen’s Speech - cannot be achieved

Devolution Committee Debate – New Powers for Scotland

limitations within specific clauses e.g. 16 and 18 which could act to reduce the scope of the Scottish Government,We welcome work to be undertaken by the Scottish Government to engage widely with people who are likely,Whilst we urge the Scottish Government to continue pushing for powers to come to Scotland as quickly,Fighting to ensure the Scottish Government and parliament can still drive a rights based approach to,We welcome the Committee undertaking to seek clarification from the UK Government on the extent to which

Scottish Government must completely rethink how & where it invests to make Scotland a fairer place

Secretary for Social Justice, Communities & Pensioners’ Rights today (26 February), on how the Scottish Government,is going to move beyond the narrow confines of government to deliver on its promise to create a more,“A good starting point would be thinking more realistically about what government can and can’t achieve,“If the Scottish Government is serious about driving out poverty and putting social justice at the heart

Why charity status of private schools should be reviewed

It’s possible they could continue with similar governing documents and purposes and provide services

Disappointing lack of progress in new Scotland Bill

Among the pomp and ceremony of the Queen’s Speech on Wednesday was the announcement of the Scotland Bill 2015. This was followed quickly by a loud thud on Thursday as the Bill hit my desk.

Funding Scotland