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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Snapshot of charity funding reveals big freeze

: Local authority income is down by £100 million Other public sector income (e.g. from Scottish Government,, UK Government, NHS, Non Departmental Public Bodies) is also down by £100 million That’s a whopping

A new democracy for Scotland: Discussion paper by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

People exercise their right to vote in a number of different elections and are then governed and represented,democracy with high levels of citizen participation in the electoral process, but also in general governance,This twofold approach should involve invitation to attend established institutions of governance and,The legitimacy of our democracy, when politicians and governments are elected on a 40-50%[1] turnout,,But local and national government is not the only route.

SCVO briefing: Scottish Government Debate on Welfare – 13 August 2014

lobbying bill (now an Act)[xiii] which sought to effectively silence third sector critiques of Government,must do is take the opportunity presented by the referendum debate to examine how the Scottish Government,charities, community groups, social enterprises and voluntary organisations of all shapes and sizes our governance

SCVO briefing- Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee Debate: Inquiry into Lobbying

By developing strong links with parliamentarians and government officials the third sector has formed,negative effect on the free flow of information and ideas between the sector, parliamentarians and government,proportionate and cost-effective way to increase transparency of decision making is to have the Scottish Government,These should be made available on the Scottish Government’s and the Scottish Parliament’s websites where,charities, community groups, social enterprises and voluntary organisations of all shapes and sizes our governance

Minutes of the 70th Annual General Meeting | November 2013

which was affecting all parts of the sector, including those organisations which were part of local government,Carole advised that while it might seem strange to some, she was something of a governance enthusiast,Carole advised that particular thanks were due to the Governance Review Group and to Claire Lightowler,This expenditure was for TFN, engagement with the Scottish Government and Scottish Parliament, and Policy,The Concordat characterised the relations between national and local government and the consequences

What does a female First Minister mean for gender equality in Scotland?

Devolution still fails women in so many ways & the lack of female representation in parliament & local government,still fails women in so many ways – the lack of female representation in parliament and in local government,The issues affecting women – affecting carers – need to be at the heart of the programme for Government

SCVO response: Smith Commission

Government at all levels should be responsible for raising the money it spends.,There is a clear need for better working relations between the governments.,government, by communities or by the individual.,Both governments have responsibility for skills so the landscape is confused.,, the Scottish Government, and local government.

SCVO's Rural Direct service is back

is back with renewed funding from the European Regional Development Fund, SCVO and the Scottish Government,That could mean help with getting their legal structure and governance into shape, understanding the

More employers must pledge to pay the living wage

Three, Scottish Government should use the new EU Directive on Public Procurement to make payment of the

Funding Scotland