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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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SCVO Impact

Anna Fowlie, SCVO Chief Executive Welcome to the SCVO Impact Report 2021/22 This page tells you about,SCVO's work and impact during 2021/22.,How to do our bit in tackling the climate emergency, how to improve equality, diversity and inclusion,in PA Advocacy annual survey Influential meetings with Deputy First Minister, Cabinet Secretary for,Our people have been central to the work SCVO has been able to do to support Scotland’s vibrant voluntary

Coronavirus and Scotland Follow up, Scottish Affairs Select Committee - response from SCVO

We do not yet have data from more up to date annual accounts to show the longer term impact of the pandemic,things – unfortunately that is exactly what has happened.,They worked with SCVO to quickly establish a Coronavirus Hub for the sector, and channelled information,SCVO welcomed the announcement of support which, while much of the funding was concentrated on local,of coronavirus.

Covid-19: charities fear funding cuts as demand for services soars

The coronavirus pandemic has left charities facing a surge in demand for their services despite grave

Half of charities fear running out of cash within months

A new study has shown the extent to which charities face a fight for their future, with demand surging but income falling rapidly

SCVO submission to the Finance Committee on Scotland's public finances

SCVO agrees and supports calls for practical solutions in what the Scottish Government term a ‘joint,The sector has a rich history of doing just that – see SCVO’s ‘Charities, Scotland & Holyrood: 20 Years,The voluntary sector has said what it needs and what to do – together, we must act.,The voluntary sector in Scotland has played a vital part in supporting the country through the coronavirus,SCVO is concerned by the repeated delays to the budget cycle and the impact on organisations across the

SCVO submission to the Law Family Commission on Civil Society

What investment or support does civil society need to do this effectively?,If funding was not an issue, what would you invest in to help you maximise your impact?,One such report is from Volunteer Scotland and Ipsos Mori on the impact of coronavirus on volunteer participation,SCVO carried out literature reviews in September 2020 and March 2021 covering research on coronavirus,SCVO is also conducting a longitudinal panel survey of Scottish voluntary sector organisations to gain

Coronavirus and its impact on the Scottish Voluntary Sector: a review of literature

It is a follow-up to SCVO’s paper, Coronavirus, and its impact on the Scottish voluntary sector –what,, or completely changed what they do.,The impact of Coronavirus on young and young adult carers in Scotland, and what they want you to do next,(2020) Coronavirus and its impact on the Scottish voluntary sector –what do we know so far?,

Equalities & Human Rights Committee Debate - Valuing the Third Sector

1 December 2020 About SCVO The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the national membership,The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has understandably drawn much focus and attention.,Details of this can be found in our ‘state of the sector’ survey.,an overview of our research which lays bare the impact the crisis had on voluntary organisations and,the people and communities they support.

SCVO briefing to Scottish Parliament on Employment Support

SCVO has a role to play in supporting organisations across the sector in what is now the ‘recovery’ phase,Focus on youth employment Although people across all ages will be affected by the impact of coronavirus,works best when supporting young people and what the barriers are.,[2] See Coronavirus and its impact on the Scottish voluntary sector – what do we know so far?,available at:

The voluntary sector & coronavirus - what we've learned from your experiences

In SCVO’s role coordinating the Coronavirus Third Sector Information Hub, those anxieties and uncertainties,They are asking what they can do to ensure they are in a position to help, and also what we as a society,can do to use the necessity to rebuild as an opportunity to reform.,At SCVO, this is helping us develop our own thinking about what next: how to develop the Information,If you have survey information to share please send it to