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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Workforce digital skills

still plenty of room to support and encourage those working in all sectors to improve their skills. https,Be better placed to adopt new technologies.,Be better placed to support your users with digital tools.,A bespoke report for your organisation You can use our Essential Digital Skills for Work Check-up online,A report with recommendations that you can share internally.


Measuring the impact of your digital inclusion work has numerous benefits: Reporting back to your board,/senior management team to ensure their continued support.,Highlight the difference you’re making to the people you support.,Sustaining momentum for digital inclusion work across the organisation.,Completing a funding application additional resources or to try something new/different.

What SCVO has done

Scottish Government regarding the impact of the pandemic on CJS funding Joined with TSEF to set up a new,capacity building in the voluntary sector with a particular focus on digital services, digital inclusion,remote working, providing information, resources, webinars and 1-2-1 advice surgeries produced two reports,We: harnessed our Funding Scotland portal and networks to share news of funding opportunities claimed,job retention scheme on behalf of our payroll clients switched to publishing our monthly Third Force News

Measuring impact

This data can be used for a variety of purposes: Reporting back to your senior manager and ensuring their,continued support. ,Digital Champions keep a tally or how many learners they’ve supported, and at the end of the week they,How many were new/returning learners? Was this a typical week? If not, why not?,What further support would be helpful in your role as a Digital Champion?

SCVO Impact Report 2021/22

, as well as supporting voluntary organisations to be more digitally engaged themselves.,I hope you enjoy this impact report for 2021/22.,and supporters than ever before into our community. 655 new members 32 new supporters Meet our membership,reports The findings of this research were (and continue to be) pivotal in shaping SCVO's policy, digital,new opportunities to replace lost income to continue to support our work.

Support & learning

Setting up a charity What to consider when setting up a new voluntary organisation, including legal structures,How to deliver digital services, tackle digital exclusion and develop digital skills HR information,setting up or running a voluntary sector organisation Find out more Upcoming events Infrastructure support,work that SCVO does on behalf of the third sector in Scotland, we provide a data management and reporting,and professional education for the voluntary sector Find out more Latest posts The latest posts in support

The role of the Digital Motivator

A Digital Motivator is someone who is passionate about digital inclusion and wants everyone to be able,They take a lead in role making their organisation more digitally confident, and support colleagues to,Ability to inspire others Commitment to ongoing learning and sharing Ability to gain the support of,excellent Digital Champions Support Digital Champions to access learning opportunities Help co-deliver,Digital Champions Express enthusiasm about new digital tools and platforms There is no ‘right’ way to

SCVO Digital Call To Action 3

In this report, we reflect on the digital progress the Scottish Voluntary Sector has made since 2018.,This report is the result of reflecting on the hundreds of conversations we’ve held to support organisations,such as social distancing have created a myriad of challenges for the voluntary sector, both creating new,will continue for some time to come New services and modes of working have exposed gaps in digital skills,has been upskilling and staff changing and adapting, trying new things and running with them.

Essential digital skills

can introduce new activities.,Every year, Lloyds Bank publishes its Essential Digital Skills Report.,They are the skills that build our digital confidence and enable us us to adapt to new technologies.,The Lloyds report tells us that those without Essential Digital Skills for life are more likely to be,Life tasksWork tasks I can search for news and online information using a browser such as Chrome, Internet

Impact Report 2023/24

Anna Fowlie, SCVO Chief Executive Welcome to the SCVO Impact Report 2023/24 This page tells you about,I hope you enjoy this impact report for 2023/24.,To support this new guidance, SCVO developed resources and guides, ran an exclusive Goodmoves special,support activities, and have shaped conversations in the Scottish Parliament, Third Force News and mainstream,opportunities in 2023 to provide short-term support to new and existing digital inclusion initiatives

Our work to help organisations grow their digital capacity is supported by: