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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Digital Senior Leaders Programme

Becoming a confident digital leader will enable you to help your organisation to keep harnessing the,And you’ll be part of a cohort of senior leader peers.,This peer-to-peer support will help you grow on your journey as a digital leader.,He's supported countless organisations with digital strategy and has developed a number of initiatives,The SCVO Digital Senior Leaders Programme uses the Scottish Approach to Service Design #SAtSD as a framework

Senior Leaders course information

This page contains information you need to know before the SCVO Senior Leaders Programme commences.,Your Responsibilities By taking part in our SCVO Senior Leaders Programme, we expect you to: Participate,Sessions are a safe, supportive and confidential space.,will use the Senior Leaders Slack Group.,leader Slack workspace.

SCVO Impact Report 2021/22

, as well as supporting voluntary organisations to be more digitally engaged themselves.,HR We supported approximately 500 voluntary sector organisations with their HR issues throughout 2021,, we held a hustings for the 2021 Scottish election featuring all the party leaders, hosted by Brian,In 2021/22, thousands of charities and social enterprises: Used our digital resources to progress on,sessions with almost 800 learners 40 Chief execs and directors on our Senior Leaders’ programme 60,000

DigiNext event content and speaker videos

We've come a long way since the 'digital duct tape' of 2020 and 2021, where everyone pivoted rapidly,Ross co-facilitates SCVO’s digital senior leaders programme and is a trustee of Parenting Across Scotland,Her methodology places humans at the centre of problem-solving and decision-making, empowering leaders,Senior Leaders Programme.,Maddie has a strong background in supporting voluntary organisations in Scotland to embrace digital to

SCVO Digital Call To Action 3

gets digital Themes and key next steps Our ask to funders and support organisations Introduction This,SCVO’s flagship Senior Leaders’ Programme and our topical digital training rapidly switched to online,SCVO’s digital team provided 1-to-1 support to hundreds of organisations to help them tackle a wide range,, training and support.,Our digital champions provided person-centred support to help people to get the most out of the devices

Coronavirus and Scotland Follow up, Scottish Affairs Select Committee - response from SCVO

As the Tracker was started in 2021, unfortunately we do not have comparable pre-pandemic data.,months' time, the lowest confidence we have seen since we started to regularly survey the sector in 2021,Over time, this takes its toll, and increasing numbers of voluntary sector staff and leaders are reporting,This included Ministers and senior officials taking part in a number of very well attended and well received,digital skills and confidence for 9,000 people.

Sector not using data to its best advantage

Unlocking the potential of data can reap rich rewards

Cyber attacks are an increasing threat to the sector

The danger for charities has grown over the past year

Review of National Outcomes 2023 - SCVO response to call for evidence

with over 135,000 staff – 5% of Scotland's 2.67 million workers – and a turnover of £8.6 billion in 2021,In 2021: 64.5% of the voluntary sector's paid staff were women.,In 2021, 13.9% of people employed by 'not for profit' organisations were paid below the Real Living Wage,Statistics Centre of Excellence (ESCoE), has been commissioned by the Department for Department for Digital,We appreciate the Scottish Government's commitment to bringing together senior leaders from the public

Our work to help organisations grow their digital capacity is supported by: