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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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New service delivery models

organisations to share best practice through regular DigiShift zoom calls, DigiListen podcasts and blogs,If you want audience participation, Zoom is the ‘go-to’ option for larger groups, with lots of useful,See also our blog post on questions about privacy and security when using Zoom.If you’re running a Zoom,But ask your call participants before you do this.,Gathering user insight and feedback Embedding a short, easy survey in your outbound communication, for

Supporting digital inclusion in Scotland’s social housing sector

Enter the Digital Motivator (DM).,Essential Digital Skills and where to access resources to develop digital skills.,Read his blog here.,us on Thursday 20th February at the Gathering. ,for the Digital Economy.

Digital bookmark: Notes from digital inclusion research

spoiler alert: there is one) – one in five folk access the internet through smartphone alone and the data gathered,understanding nor support folk in engaging with wider social and civic participation.,person-centred approach we favour in the third sector is the way to go- and that, in turn, will support a deeper participation,for creativity, enabling participation in wider media, and which encourages ‘full participation in community,teams from Our Connected Neighbourhood and Alzheimer Scotland, I’d request that everyone reading this blog

Tackling social isolation through digital drop-ins

This week we’re opening our 12th Digital Drop-In , funded by the Digital Participation Charter Fund.,We then look at RESEARCH and gather an evidence base to design our projects.,We then love to SHARE LEARNING through blogs like this, and this autumn we are running a series of events,Have a digital project idea?,Find out more about applying for the Digital Participation Charter Fund.

Developing this website

contractual reasons, some couldn't be integrated but there were opportunities to retire both the standalone Digital,We then asked participants of these meetings to individually score all the suggestions so that when the,Existing blog posts would be ported over to keep a history of what has been published and to allow for,Migration of the Digital programme content was fairly straightforward as it was mostly text, and the,It also helps that we're part of the Digital team!

The effectiveness of the self-regulation of fundraising in Scotland: an informal review

Qualitative evidence was gathered through an online survey which elicited more than seven hundred and,Whilst the original recipient of a digital ‘ask’ might be based in the charity’s regulatory area, the,ease with which a digital ‘ask’ can be passed on to another person could lead to it being received in,However, the evidence that has been gathered is sufficient to identify the following improvements to,(blog) [8] From OSCR’s Scottish Charity Surveys 2014 [9] As above [10] Rapidata (2015) Rapidata announces

New year, new website

An interesting side effect of an expanding digital participation programme has been outgrowing our first,We're using Google Analytics to gather insights about our pages (things like what other sites link to,If you've been paying attention then you'll have noticed that our blog posts have stayed here on the,It's straightforward to use Jekyll as a blogging platform, but we wanted to keep our musings here alongside

Can you help us count digital skills and capabilities in Scotland?

If you've heard me talk about digital participation recently, then you'll know that 3 in 10 adults in,5 charities are geared up to accept online donations, and that three quarters are not investing in digital,So when it comes to improving our understanding of digital participation in Scotland, although we still,develop a quantitative, national picture of what's going on, to complement the detailed insights we gather