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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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The UK Growth Plan 2022 and the Energy Bill Relief Scheme

Visit SCVO’s Running Costs Crisis hub to find more information, news and updates from us on the cost,of living and running costs crisis.

SCVO Brief on UK Budget 2018: The unknown - Brexit and Spending Review

Scotland Over £950 million of new funding will be made available for the Scottish Government in Barnett,The personal allowance for income tax will be raised to £12,500 in 2019/27.,This will have an impact on Gift Aid, as the number of people paying the income tax that can be gifted,Gift Aid Charity shops using the Retail Gift Aid Scheme will be allowed to send letters to donors every,The new tax is due to come into force in 2022.

Gift Aid and the new Scottish income tax

You can see our response to those changes here, but what I want to talk about in this blog is Gift Aid,Ah, Gift Aid! Yes, this is my gift to you this Christmas: a Gift Aid blog.,Seriously though, just how are the new rates and bands going to affect Gift Aid?,The Gift Aid scheme means that every donor who pays income tax (or capital gains tax) can essentially,in the £ in income tax*, will some of this Gift Aid dry up?

Shaping the Scotland Bill

One year on from the referendum on Scottish independence, Kate Wane reflects on where we are at in terms

The effectiveness of the self-regulation of fundraising in Scotland: an informal review

Research from the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) in 2014 found that the proportion of those surveyed,tax levels, could have an effect on fundraising in Scotland.,fundraising should be investigated Research in this area will help ensure good practice in Scotland and aid,of charities The public, as one of the main funders of charities through both donations and taxes, must,(blog) [8] From OSCR’s Scottish Charity Surveys 2014 [9] As above [10] Rapidata (2015) Rapidata announces

Brief thoughts on new powers for Scotland

On Thursday 22nd January the UK Government released draft legislation for a new Scottish devolution settlement,grant will be adjusted to reflect the tax and spending decisions of the Scottish Parliament.,This includes powers to set rates and bands of income tax above the UK-wide personal allowance.,Taxes on savings and dividend income, capital gains tax, and VAT rates will remain reserved.,There is an acknowledgement that issues around Gift Aid will need to be resolved – this will be done

Smith Commission - SCVO interim response

The devolution of income tax alone will leave public finances exposed to unnecessary volatility.,The various political parties’ proposals on income tax would have a significant impact upon the work,of the sector in relation to Gift Aid.,If income tax rates were to be set by the Scottish Parliament it is presumed that any system or rate,of tax relief on charitable donations would also have to be set by the Scottish Parliament.