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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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The UK Growth Plan 2022 and the Energy Bill Relief Scheme

The continuation of Gift Aid tax relief at 20% will be welcomed by voluntary organisations that fundraise,Gift Aid There will be a four-year transition period for Gift Aid relief to maintain the Income Tax basic,These changes will give claimants the best possible chance to be financially independent of UC.,These changes will apply across Great Britain.,SPICe also published a blog considering the impact on Scotland. What’s next?

Easy money: is foundation giving the future of charity funding, or is it just a lottery?

Trusts and foundations are becoming ever more important in the face of drastic public spending cuts. TFN finds out how the sector is coping with demand.

SCVO Brief on UK Budget 2018: The unknown - Brexit and Spending Review

This will have an impact on Gift Aid, as the number of people paying the income tax that can be gifted,Gift Aid Charity shops using the Retail Gift Aid Scheme will be allowed to send letters to donors every,There will also be an increase in small donation limit from £20 to £30 under the Gift Aid Small Donations,Read Craig Wilson’s blog for more analysis.,to support people to take voluntary action to help themselves and others, and to bring about social change

Gift Aid and the new Scottish income tax

You can see our response to those changes here, but what I want to talk about in this blog is Gift Aid,Ah, Gift Aid! Yes, this is my gift to you this Christmas: a Gift Aid blog.,Seriously though, just how are the new rates and bands going to affect Gift Aid?,The Gift Aid scheme means that every donor who pays income tax (or capital gains tax) can essentially,Gift Aid – something generous donors on any tax band need to be aware of.

New Scotland Bill Amendments

The Secretary of State promised half of these would be ‘significant changes’ and that these new additions,Thankfully, our calls for changes have been heard.,Some interesting amendments have been lodged by Ian Murray MP, not least his amendment on Gift Aid.

The effectiveness of the self-regulation of fundraising in Scotland: an informal review

Research from the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) in 2014 found that the proportion of those surveyed,A more significant change is therefore required.,fundraising should be investigated Research in this area will help ensure good practice in Scotland and aid,Scotland) Marie Curie Ann Ward Fundraising & Communications Manager Scottish Catholic International Aid,(blog) [8] From OSCR’s Scottish Charity Surveys 2014 [9] As above [10] Rapidata (2015) Rapidata announces

Brief thoughts on new powers for Scotland

brief comments, and give a thumbs up, thumbs down, or a middling thumb as to whether we think these changes,There is an acknowledgement that issues around Gift Aid will need to be resolved – this will be done,Power to stop the ‘under-occupancy charge’ and to change how often people receive Universal Credit payments,See Policy Officer Kate Wane's blog Draft legislation takes few steps back from Smith for more on this

Smith Commission - SCVO interim response

organisations had experienced a significant increase in demand for support as a result of benefits changes,proposals on income tax would have a significant impact upon the work of the sector in relation to Gift,Aid.,member of the High Level Reference Group chaired by the Secretary of State for Scotland that considered Gift,wp-content/uploads/2013/12/welfare-reform-mapping-report2.pdf [ii]