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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Coronavirus and its impact on the Scottish Voluntary Sector: a review of literature

next 12 months, with the same number predicting that they would be unable to do the work they were set,of those saying they have volunteered in the last three months has increased from 30% up to 40% from 2018,The two themes that likely to remain high on the sector’s agenda in the next quarter are workforce and, ONS (2020),space, discounted training courses, funding opportunities and information and support to help people set

Programme for Government sets the tone – we must now focus on reality

We've known that tackling the climate emergency would be the prime agenda item for this year's Programme,and homelessness, credit unions, mental health and young people, social enterprise and volunteering, digital,The Programme for Government's focus on partnership with the voluntary sector sets the tone; we must,The 2019/20 Programme for Government sets a welcome tone for partnership and collaboration between government,As the RSA blogged, 'rhetoric is positive, reality is required.'

Essential digital skills for Scotland - charter briefing part 1

When they signed they pledged to create local digital hubs, facilitate a digital forum and offer improved,Skills Framework in 2018 (see diagram below): The Framework outlines five key skills and provides examples,As part of our Digital Participation agenda we wanted to learn more about our Charter signatories, their,To collect the data we asked organisations to complete a standard question set (appendix 1) to allow,In part two of this blog, we'll look at some of the examples of charter commitments and essential digital

New funding announced to increase digital skills

With 21% of adults in Scotland lacking basic digital skills, tackling digital exclusion is high on the,agenda.,Ms Hyslop’s visit marked the opening of the sixth round of funding of the Digital Participation Charter,During our classes, they have been able to set up email addresses, harness social media to keep in touch,*This blog originally featured on the Scottish Government's blog site on 5 April 2018.

A Call to Action: Agenda 2018

supported a group of senior leaders from a wide range of organisations to launch a Call to Action for a Digitally,Our Digital Pioneer case studies have highlighted changes organisations have been making.,” “How boards can make a difference” “What does digital mean for funders” The rest of the agenda will,be set by you on the day, with the opportunity for you to run workshops on priority themes.,Those with a strong interest in shaping the digital agenda in Scotland’s third sector are also welcome