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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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SCVO response to Building Community Wealth consultation (Scottish Government)

There need to be clear mechanisms in place for this feedback to be reported, so the collective experience,is used, or if it is used at all, which leads to organisations feeling like they are not listened to,The result, amongst other consequences, is uncertainty and financial pressure on organisations, creating,Similarly, non-committal frameworks create uncertainty for voluntary organisations, resulting in precarious,This should include more third sector market engagement and working with TSIs to facilitate better engagement

SCVO response to the inquiry into Public Administration – Effective Scottish Government decision-making

outcomes, better policy and a better steer on where we want to go.,This again creates lack of trust between the third sector and their funders, and reduces the scope for,Before the pandemic, it wasn’t always clear how Scottish Prison Service used third sector feedback.,of by statutory funders to inform policy and/or services.,As Sheghley Ogilvie from SCVO explained in a blog post last year: ‘I’ve often heard the Programme for

SCVO response to the Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee

Our work over the past nine years provides the basis of our evidence, along with recent feedback from,I have a better understanding of working within a team and also now have the confidence to use my own,Travel subsidy or agreements with travel companies, Better links with money advice services and bank,from SCVO organised a session attended by 87 employers and employees from across Scotland to gather feedback,on the programme and their needs for the future. [4] See

Coronavirus and its impact on the Scottish Voluntary Sector: a review of literature

in the longer-term and ‘building back better’.,In that report, feedback from charities on their financial position suggests that there are fears of,The IOF report found that 61% of UK charities using the scheme say they would not be able to afford to, ONS (2020),We lobby government on policy issues, create jobs for young people and support organisations to embrace

The Essential Digital Skills Toolkit - a digital journey

Last month, visitors to this site may have enjoyed a blog about the journey SCVO has been on to create,, which is the first of its’ kind in Scotland and was created to help people make practical use of the,Additionally, we are looking at how to provide better advice and guidance to organisations who want to,use the Checklists in their own projects who may be new to digital, for example, how to create bespoke,us your feedback.

Charity sector data strategy and innovation with Elasticsearch

But with a very small development team, we felt our time was better spent on the front-end development,Plus, with the premium features included with Elasticsearch Service, we've also recently started using,We’ve even seen the following feedback: "It's now very easy to refine the job search as you go.[...],One of our main future development tasks is use the join datatype, a special field that creates parent,This blog post was also published as a guest blog with Elastic.

I’ve lost my job and found myself on Universal Credit

We wanted to better understand the new fully online benefits system and explore the implications for,If you’ve used any of the new GOV.UK digital services, such as checking your driving license details,We know 79% of people in Scotland have basic digital skills and will be comfortable with creating an,Read part 2 of the blog, exploring the implications for digital public services.Please join us at our,information on how to navigate Universal Credit, check out Citizen’s Advice Scotland detailed guide.Read the feedback