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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Opposition Debate on Procurement (S5M-10962)

We have previously written about (in our paper An Economy for All ), the four principles around which,All work must be properly valued, decently paid and secure 3.,The economy is a part of our environment and we must use our economy to enhance, not destroy, our environment, Tel: 0131 474 8000 Web: References [1],/an-economy-for-all-report-economyforall/ [1]

What are the Scottish Government and Parliament’s Tax and Spending Options?

Tax is at the heart of the debate on the economy.,fit for our society in the long-term?,The Scottish Parliament’s Budget Process Review Group recently reported[3], and concluded that ‘cultural,relation to the environment, as SCVO has discussed previously – see, for example,,/an-economy-for-all-report-economyforall/).

Scottish Government: Taking Scotland Forward – Scotland’s Economy, Short Term Resilience and Long Term

The simple, clear and strong message from our SCVO’s Economy for All paper published earlier this year,Therefore, we need strategies that strengthen all of our local, regional and national economies.,In addition, the Health and Sport Committee’s report on Health Inequalities stated that ‘Economic growth,1,600 members include charities, community groups, social enterprises and voluntary organisations of all,[i] [ii]

Do we need a new economy to tackle inequality?

Making our economy work for the majority will only succeed if the third sector is a key partner

Briefing: issues for the third sector beyond 2016

told Age UK they felt lonely “always” or “often”, while 350,000 elderly people said TV was their main form,Oxfam Scotland: Economic inequality affects us all.,Engender: Gender and other forms of equality are preconditions of sustainable, equitable growth.,Expanding self-directed support in the Scottish third sector Community Capacity & Resilience Fund – Interim Report,for All report

SCVO Briefing - Scottish Labour Employment Debate

In our discussion paper ‘An Economy for All’ we suggest four guiding principles which should underpin,Scotland must be the end goal of our economy; All work must be properly valued, decently paid and secure,The economy is a part of our environment and we must use our economy to enhance, not destroy, our environment,We must also recognise that an individual’s form of contribution, or employability needs, may change,powers over social security and employment programmes are on the table alongside an energised population post-referendum

Work, wages and wellbeing in the Scottish labour market

As we stated in our previously published paper ‘An Economy for All’[i], we suggest four guiding principles,of people across Scotland must be the end goal of our economy; All work must be properly valued, decently,If we are to improve our economy for all, we must value the work that everyone does, and give all workers,References [i] [ii] http,[xviii] Assessing the Impact of Fairtrade on Poverty Reduction through Rural Development: Final Report

SCVO response to Scottish Government consultation on Changes to the Public Procurement Rules in Scotland

As we said in our paper An Economy for All, there are four principles around which we can build a successful,end goal of our economy All work must be properly valued, decently paid and secure The value of people,who they seek to support: on often very small budgets, much time and money is being wasted on overly long,Other issues (Q1) In terms of the statutory guidance on a public body’s Procurement Strategy and Annual Report,We need procurement officers to: have the confidence to use grants or other forms of financial support

SCVO briefing: Scottish Government Boosting the Economy debate

Therefore, we need strategies that strengthen all of our local, regional and national economies.,In addition, as noted in the Health and Sport Committee’s report on Health Inequalities published earlier,[i] SCVO’s Economy for All paper is available to view online at:,/an-economy-for-all-report-economyforall/ [ii],/Reports/her-15-01w-rev.pdf [iii] [iv]

For Scotland's economists inequality is the new sexy

esteemed body for Scotland's economic establishment and conservative, with a small 'c', thinking on all,that lets the richest in society continue to take a bigger and bigger share of the cake, we will have all,The biggest danger in all of this is the potentially disastrous consequences of continuing with the current,share of the cake, while most people who are on middle and low incomes are getting poorer, we will have all,A SCVO paper - An Economy for All – outlined how we can build a stronger economy by reducing inequality