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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Government Response to Danny Kruger MP's Report: 'Levelling Up Our Communities: Proposals for a New Social Covenant

community response to COVID-19 and set out how civil society can contribute to levelling up This UK government,report's recommendations is published alongside the Levelling Up White Paper which sets out the government’s


At the same time, society as a whole is changing around us, and voluntary organisations will also need to consider any impacts of broader societal changes, from an increasing focus on structural inequalities to a rise in societal unrest. Prompts for...

SCVO Digital Call To Action 3

working: The Connecting Scotland programme, delivered by SCVO in partnership with the Scottish Government,Paul Hamlyn Foundation Scottish Funders Partnership Third Sector Lab The Catalyst Network Scottish Government

Got an excellent board? Enter awards to win £5,000

UK charities are being urged to enter the Charity Governance Awards for the chance to win £5,000 and,highlight good governance

SCVO Briefing: Scottish Budget 2024/2025

Voluntary organisations play a crucial role in delivering on the Scottish Government’s three missions,At a time of clear need, this budget is an opportunity for the Scottish Government to support our sector,The solution SCVO welcomes the Scottish Government commitment to deliver ‘Fairer Funding’ by 2026.,Implement multi-year funding of three years or more across several Scottish Government funds in the 2024,Registered charity “Due to annual funding from Scottish Government, which doesn’t cover our core costs


Now that you've got a solid understanding of digital exclusion and how it affects the people you support it's time to start developing your approach. You should now have a good idea of what will work best for your organisation. Are you going to focus on helping people build their...


Consider appropriate arrangements for financial reserves for your organisation and understand the impact of large reserves

Charities come together to renew their focus on cyber resilience

Angela Constance MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs, spoke about the Scottish Government’s,working with the third sector to be more resilient: “I am pleased to announce that the Scottish Government

Essential digital skills

OpenLearn & LEAD Scotland) How to Stay Safe Online (Digital Unite) Staying Safe Online (Scottish Government

SCVO responds to Draft Scottish Budget 2024/25

“While we welcome the Scottish Government’s commitments to move towards Fair Funding for Scotland’s voluntary,“The UK Government delivered a modest but welcome package of running costs support for voluntary organisations,Today, at the very least, the Scottish Government could have committed to doing the same here in Scotland,We stand ready to support the Scottish Government to deliver that progress.”

Funding Scotland