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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

Happy Birthday to Us! #PBW18

600 enquiries from SCVO member organisations covering subjects that range from charity law and governance,The most popular enquiry area has always been governance and charity law.

SNP Conference 2018

In keeping with the Programme for Government last month, this conference is another attempt to paint,a picture of a government getting on with the day job, delivering results that were promised while offering,support this, but is clear that the message has been shaped to demonstrate not only that the SNP can govern,He outlined the SNP and Scottish Government’s commitment to continuing to learn from the sector on a,believe charities are best placed to speak on behalf of disadvantaged people and to help influence government

SCVO responds to FM's speech on Fair Work

welcome the First Minister’s expanded commitment to Fair Work – it’s essential that the Scottish Government,"SCVO has long advocated that organisations who want government support must offer proper contracts,

Living Wage campaigning in Scotland - where next? #LivingWageWeek

In early 2014, for example, the campaign was successful in ensuring that the Scottish Government made

Digital Inclusion Briefing

digital Digital Inclusion: Accessibility, Skills & Affordability In December 2017, the Scottish Government,Tackling Digital Exclusion SCVO is working with the Scottish Government to deliver on its commitments,charities, community groups, social enterprises and voluntary organisations of all shapes and sizesour governance

Joining SCVO's free legal service for #PBW18

advises on all aspects of charity law including the setting up of charitable organisations, good governance

Does the Scottish third sector support a people’s vote?

view that leaving the EU will be bad for Scotland and Scotland’s third sector, and that the UK Government’s,SCVO – along with our colleagues at WCVA - have supported the Scottish and Welsh Government’s amendments,the midst of a political, constitutional & democratic crisis – what with the power grab by the UK Government,And it's clear from the negotiations so far that the UK Government is simply not listening – to the Scottish,Government or the third sector - so perhaps it can only be resolved by a people’s vote?

SCVO Brief for the House of Commons Opposition Day Debate on 17 October 2018: The Rollout of Universal Credit

Social Security poverty and rights SCVO and the wider third sector, welcomed the Scottish Government’s,however, remain reserved to Westminster where a culture of cuts and sanctions, driven by the UK Government's,a timescale for realising this commitment should be introduced, encouraging the UK and Scottish Governments,charities, community groups, social enterprises and voluntary organisations of all shapes and sizes our governance

Openness is accelerating learning, trust and progress on the SDGs

been lost and those at the heart of working with the SDGs were determined to step up the pace with government,our open letter to the First Minister and Scottish Parliament, SDG workshops with the Scottish Government,and a briefing paper that laid the ground for meetings with the UK Government and a sense of collaboration,with the Scottish Government building.


Winning Scotland Foundation won help from the Service Design team at Scottish Government, after a presentation

Funding Scotland