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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

SCVO respond to ScotGov ‘Protecting what matters – what’s at stake for individuals in the Brexit talks’ report

In response to the Scottish Government's publication of ‘Protecting what matters – what’s at stake for,“This report is a clear sign that the Scottish Government recognises Brexit really is about the impact,sector is overwhelmingly pro-European in outlook, and as such, SCVO strongly supports the Scottish Government’s,“We look forward to working with the Scottish Government to give our sector as much support and certainty

A Healthier Future? Unwrapping the Scottish Government’s new obesity consultation

That’s why at Cancer Research UK we’ve been eagerly awaiting the publication of the Scottish Government’s,The consultation – A Healthier Future – sets out the three broad areas where the Government intends to,In particular, we’re clear that one of the most effective measures the Scottish Government can take to,So while we’re pleased to see action against such offers proposed in the Scottish Government’s strategy,The Scottish Government’s consultation closes on 31st January 2018.

EU Nationals living and working in Scotland April 2018

General figures on EU nationals living in Scotland are taken form Scottish Government and Scottish Parliament,Mackinnon, Research Officer, SCVO 0131 474 6159 Data Sources Scottish Government

Public trust in charities: carrot or stick?

SCVO is running the ‘I Love Charity’ campaign, to inspire trust in charities by supporting good governance

Charities call for amendment to social security bill

Organisations across the third sector have welcomed the Scottish Government’s aspirations to take a rights,reducing the number of appeals, and anticipate that demand will be lower in the future as the Scottish Government,We believe that this amendment reflects the Scottish Government’s aspirations to take a rights based

Engender’s call for evidence on CEDAW - SCVO response

specialist areas)[6]; and even the Scottish civil service itself has problems, with the Scottish Government,Even an area where the Scottish Government had full control, their Modern Apprenticeship programme, saw,We are also disappointed by a number of other policy decisions made by Scottish Government regarding,See Increasing Representation of Women on Private Sector Boards in Scotland, Scottish Government, 2016,See Scotland’s Carers, Scottish Government, 2015. See, for example

Cycling as a realistic and effective mechanism for positive change

The Scottish Government’s Cycling Action Plan for Scotland outlines a vision of 10% of everyday journeys,to be cycle journeys by 2020, and the Programme for Government announced a doubling of funding for active,The Scottish Government have committed to banning the sale of any new petrol and diesel cars by 2032,The Scottish Government’s newly published Climate Change Plan outlines a commitment to reducing emissions,The Scottish Government has a positive active travel agenda and has committed record levels of funding

Citizens Advice Scotland becomes 500th organisation to join the push to break down the digital divide in Scotland

Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs Fiona Hyslop said: “The Scottish Government,We are grateful for the continued support of the Scottish Government to increase digital participation

Why #reimaginedemocracy?

Goals, built on a shared universal base of human rights, and commitment to greater openness of government,So next week, the Open Government Pioneers UK Project in partnership with the Northern Ireland Open Government,Third, we will tap into the increasingly powerful open government movement to set the actions we want,to see government and institutions take to bring about the transparency, accountability and participation

Funding Scotland