This year, respondents were also very concerned about government funding and the wider economy – 87%,of respondents think the financial situation of local government will worsen; 74% think the finances,of national government will worsen; and 69% believe the wider economic situation will worsen.
The UK Government, in an attempt to halve the employment gap, has released a Green Paper on Work, Health,out of the discussion: People with disabilities have been among those least well-served by the Government’s,colleague Craig points out in his recent blog, with Theresa May’s focus firmly on productivity the Government,For example, how does the Government expect to do more for less money?
“Support from government for collaborative projects with other parts of Europe.”,Whilst SCVO supports the Scottish Government’s ambition to achieve a bespoke deal for Scotland, we believe,inflation and subsequent fall in living standards and we look forward to working with the Scottish Government,charities, community groups, social enterprises and voluntary organisations of all shapes and sizes our governance
The UK Government is in a desperate situation.,We are seeing a government severely lacking in the Ministry of Ideas It has already been suggested that,A whiff of desperation is apparent in UK Government solutions to its dilemma.,The pathetic pandering to the truly awful Donald Trump is another hallmark of a government severely lacking,UK will have to become ‘more productive’ and ‘more competitive’ to remain the global player the government
On Tuesday afternoon, First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, delivered her Programme for Government - setting,Key themes in Scottish Government plan New powers Economy Education Health Justice Community empowerment,The Government are staking their reputation on reforming education and set out aims to close the educational,In a welcome move, the Government have established a link between poverty and attainment and outlined,As such, and as always, we look forward to hearing your views on the Programme for Government, including