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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Third sector and welfare on the frontline

A lot of anxiety exists about the end of Scottish Government welfare reform mitigation funding in 2015,SCVO recommends that Scottish Government, Local Government and wider public sector, the business community,Politicians, governments, and institutions at various levels should work with third sector organisations,The role of local government and the NHS in working with and supporting these organisations in their,Conclusion Government funding to tackle welfare mitigation should focus on ensuring people are prepared

Welfare Funds (Scotland) Bill, Stage 1 Debate

In this context, we urge the Scottish Government and CoSLA to continue working with the broadest range,We therefore suggest two options: Could the Scottish Government build in a review clause into this current,We would urge the Scottish Government to consider how the sector is supported in its role as a referral

Surprise wins for democracy in Smith Commission

Scottish Parliament will be able to let 16 and 17-year-olds vote in Scottish Parliament and local government

Piecemeal package of powers doesn't go far enough to fully tackle poverty & inequality

The onus now is on the Scottish Government to involve these groups of people in shaping how the powers,“We call on the Scottish Government to start by scrapping the Work Programme without delay and instead

Quick guide to Smith Commission Report

powers over transport which are not currently devolved The power will be devolved to the Scottish Government,Scottish elections and democracy UK legislation will state that the Scottish Parliament and Scottish Government,Scottish Parliament will have all powers in relation to elections to the Scottish Parliament and local government,percentage points of the standard rate of Value Added Tax (VAT) will be assigned to the Scottish Government’s

Digital Scotland Festival, Glasgow Edition

It's all very exciting, and a tangible follow-up to the Scottish Government strategy on digital participation,None of this would have been possible without the generous support we have received from Scottish Government

Make tackling inequality our national purpose

Our response to global and local economic shocks gives a clear indication of how governments and society,Of course, we are in a state of flux just now, as we await a new government programme and top team, the,Why not ensure that tackling inequality becomes the primary purpose driving government and public services,Can we consider the creation of people panels to help shape the government programme and budget?

Third sector funding and spending in 2013

The remainder is spent on publicity and fundraising, trading costs and governance.,Government funding to the third sector has been slashed The squeeze on public finances and predicted,spending cuts are now starting to show, with more cuts expected to follow Funding from government has,The Scottish Government is the second largest funder, accounting for 20%.,The rest is made up from Non-Departmental Public Bodies, NHS and UK Government.

Treasury tax letters: fact or misdirection?

My jaded view is that it looks as if the Coalition Government might be purposefully stoking the ‘benefit,Looking at the Government’s diagram it seems that most of your tax – almost a quarter (24.5%) – is spent,[click for larger image] The Coalition Government is purposefully misleading the general public, and,If this is what we’re dealing with, we need to keep a wary eye on the Coalition Government at all times,The Government may try to silence us and other charity campaigners who speak up, but we won’t back down

Scottish Rural Parliament is a Thing

It was one of many northern European governing assemblies known as Things, which were created as a means

Funding Scotland