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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

Should you hold more virtual meetings?

So the first step is to check what your governing document says about the procedures to be followed at,members’ meeting by video conference, teleconference or Skype if there is a provision in the charity’s governing

SCVO’s vision of a Scotland for all

Society: with 870,000 Scots still living in poverty and inequality, compounded by UK Government welfare,Our umbrella policy ask was: “We’re calling on the UK, Scottish and local governments, together with,Government at all levels must prioritise work which helps prevent people falling into poverty in the,first instance and this commitment to preventative action should be represented in government strategy,A Scottish Government and Parliament with the political will and a policy programme to match our goals

Scottish Labour Health Inequalities Policy Review: SCVO response

We find the emphasis on economic growth throughout current Scottish Government’s economic strategies,This is acknowledged by the Scottish Government in its’ 20:20 vision which, building on Christie’s recommendations,charities, community groups, social enterprises and voluntary organisations of all shapes and sizes our governance

The UK is too dominated by London and the south east

What is important for good delivery of public services is that each level of government is clear about,, including local government and community councils?,What is important for good delivery of public services is that each level of government is clear about,Most people would accept that environment or defence are better managed at large government level, waste,Once the responsibility for delivering a public service has been set at a particular level of government

Face up to poverty

The UK Government argues that the figures cover a period of low economic growth.

Talking about community digital participation

If you take a close interest in the governance of digital participation activities in Scotland (!),The first was a discussion about the role of third sector organisations and local government in helping,Michael Fourman describes this as something akin to the right to live a healthy life, which governments

Response to SSAC Consultation - Extension of benefit waiting days

The Government intends to push ahead with this change anyway, clearly acknowledging in the Explanatory,xiv]

Charities unite in call to action on land reform

FAIRER DISTRIBUTION OF LAND Five third sector organisations have joined forces to urge the Scottish Government,voiced their strong support for the recommendations contained in the recent report by the Scottish Government’s,Affairs Committee to throw their weight behind the report’s recommendations and for the Scottish Government,The Scottish Government commissioned it and funded it – now they must act decisively on its recommendations,The Land Reform Review Group’s Report is available from the Scottish Government website 3.

A little less engagement, a little more action

Page 3 of the draft Bill’s policy memorandum states: “The Scottish Government is clear that it is important,Given that the government is so clear about this difference, why do four of the eight legislative proposals

ND14: Empowering people

My talk covered the foundational importance of participation in the government's Digital Scotland strategy

Funding Scotland