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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Land reform report & Bill could be a game changer

Many of these can be taken forward immediately, and the Scottish Government has already committed to,It’s important that the Scottish Government continues to respond positively to this important report,If the Scottish Government is serious about land reform, the bill must adopt the principles of the common

Can we trust the opposition parties to implement their devolution promises?

proposals and now with the publication of the Strathclyde Commission’s report on the Future of Governance,In the age of majority government, effective scrutiny of government policy is crucial and recent press,long-held Conservative belief in localism and decentralisation, any discussion of reform of local government,real devolution should be given to individuals with a greater role for civic society and local government

Can't shout loud enough about the scandal of poverty in Scotland

Policymakers must take heed of insight provided by people living in poverty in the Turning Up The Volume On Poverty report

Land Reform Review Group report - a golden opportunity

underpinning principle in developing future land policy should be the participation of people in land governance,current inquiry to welcome the report, endorse the direction of travel, and encourage the Scottish Government

Radical change is needed for a gender equal Scotland

We have also looked at the gender content of the Scottish Government's white paper and Scottish Labour,equal Scotland without radical change, including at institutional level, irrespective of the given governance

Failing to be radical with welfare is failing us all

aspiring to a much more compassionate and supportive approach to welfare than the UK Coalition Government

Healthier & happier communities are coming

opportunities and free themed workshops on topics such as evidencing your impact, project planning, governance

Funding Scotland