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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

We need to talk about what the referendum would mean for our human rights

Surely this deserves a bit deeper consideration than that which we give to voting for a government?,And what protection these would be given by those who would govern us?,The Scottish Government’s white paper talks of how an independent state could protect human rights, but,The UK Government has limited itself to a legal analysis of what independence would mean in terms of,Neither the UK nor the Scottish Government has used the powers available to them to embed human rights

Consultation on water and sewerage charges exemption scheme

While we appreciate the Scottish Government listening to and acting on our concerns, there are still,up to distribute profit to shareholders; and Is not run by or affiliated to a political party or government,restrictive an organisation is in its activities and ensure they have a degree of separation from government,our view that the practicalities of this issue require further discussion between the Scottish Government

Challenges for charities over the next 10 years

With government funding under pressure too, many organisations have turned their attentions to corporate

Are the arts fun or fundamental?

and that includes knowing how volunteering and arts participation will fair under a continued UK government

Inquiry into Scotland’s Economic Future Post-2014

In Scottish Government documents, we continue to see a strong focus on GDP and on economic growth alone,We fail to see why the Scottish Government is not planning to legislate for the Living wage within the,[xv] A wide range of policy reforms lead by the UK’s Coalition government were recently forecast by the,The Scottish Government has responded to tackle the impact of UK welfare reforms, with this being a key,The idea is that everyone is paid a set income by the Government, regardless of their work status.

Food banks in Scotland - Scottish Parliament Debate

factors has led to this growth including austerity measures and welfare cuts driven by the Coalition Government,We welcome the Scottish Government’s commitment to enhance the Fund, but a full evaluation is needed

Lobbying bill is a mess beyond amendment

Following opposition from the third sector, some positive amendments have been made by the Government,Here is a run-down of some of the amendments agreed by the Lords and backed by the government: Registration,The current threshold is £5000 in Scotland and the Government had planned to push this down to £2000.,The Government has committed to a review of the regulations after the 2015 election.

Water and sewerage charges exemption scheme for small third sector organisations

The Scottish Government is currently consulting on a new exemption scheme for third sector organisations,up to distribute profit to shareholders; and Is not run by or affiliated to a political party or government,The full consultation document is available on the Scottish Government website.

No surprise referendum will hinge on the economy

The current vision for the economy of the SNP Government and the opposition parties at Holyrood is a,Oxfam's Humankind Index or using Joseph Stiglitz's work despite him being an economic advisor to the government

Funding Scotland