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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Discussion paper: The third sector and Scottish European Structural Funds

delivery of European Structural Funds has been recognised at policy and operational level by Scottish Government,Financial support through grant aid has traditionally come from local government, national government,delivery Partnership The Scottish Government in its draft proposals does not detail the composition,Discussion points The arrangements proposed by Scottish Government potentially present a significant,Discussion points CPPs are a key component of the Scottish Government’s delivery arrangements.

Charity gagging bill must be stopped

Throughout the rushed passage of the UK Government’s Lobbying Bill (that wonderful piece of legislation,Lords (it was meant to have gone through already but there was such a stink kicked-up that the Government,writing on the website Conservative Home no less: “Being cynical, one might suggest that if a future government

Strategic Discussion paper - Local Democracy

Key principles Local democracy is not the same as local government.,As the Local Government and Regeneration Committee's report into public service reform states, “We are,Moreover, the proportion who "just about always" or "most of the time" trust government has almost halved,Our questions Exploring the connect and disconnect between local government, participation and local,The purpose of these meetings is to enable residents to voice their concerns with the municipal government

Have your say on the future of European Structural Funds

The Government has accompanied the consultation with its own blog, which gives a good overview of the,Government and public agencies can fund themselves.,decline of these funds being accessed by the third sector is noted in our own report to the Scottish Government

Local Government and Regeneration Committee call for evidence – Draft Budget 2013/2014

This debate is an important one and drives to the heart of the Scottish Government’s agenda of promoting,Other issues Due to the reduction in local authority budgets from central government, many local authorities,Welfare Reform The UK Government’s Welfare Reform Act will undoubtedly continue to have an impact on,the Scottish Government’s budget during the next financial year, not to mention on the household budgets,SCVO recognises that there is currently significant emphasis placed by the Scottish Government on the

Procurement bill missed opportunity for people and communities

I recently read a Scottish Government paper on the ‘contribution of procurement to sustainable economic,By using procurement to promote job creation, governments can save money on health spending.,By using procurement to promote job creation, governments can save money on health spending.,The bone of contention with the Scottish Government is although they support the principle, it says it,You could write a whole about whether or not the Scottish Government asked the right question and if

Community Transport Vehicle Fund guidance notes

Aim of the fund The Community Transport Vehicle Fund is a one-off Scottish Government initiative with,This initiative has arisen because the Scottish Government recognises that funding of vehicles is a particular,The Scottish Government wishes to provide this support to those organisations whose transport services,Successful applicants must be able to provide the Scottish Government with written confirmation from,The supporting information will provide the Panel with the governance evidence it needs.

Labour Devolution Commission

Obviously we recognise that successive Governments are aware of such problems and have all, in their,Boyack MSP, the main issue for our sector is how devolving power (from UK to Scotland, Scottish Government,to Local Government, Local Government to local communities) can make a difference to those living in,Positives for both UK and Scottish Government levels of decision-making Scotland's population means it's,Local government and the third sector can both be enablers, working to people’s strengths and focusing

Expert Working Group on Welfare – Phase 2 Call for Evidence

Whilst this is very visible in the current Coalition Government’s approach, it has also been picked up,It is also not clear if the Scottish Government will make the case for further powers to be devolved,,The momentum will be with the Scottish Government especially if the result is close, and whilst we focus,works well – Community Jobs Scotland Managed by SCVO, Community Jobs Scotland (CJS) is a Scottish Government, [xxxi]

Media comment on White Paper | What about people who won’t set eyes on it?

Following the launch of the Scottish Government’s White Paper on independence today, Martin Sime, Chief,“This is a progressive government which supports the work of charities and third sector organisations

Funding Scotland