Introduction Welcome to Milo, the database for Scotland's third sector interface network.,Logging in All Milo users require a named licence to access Salesforce.,This video will show you how you can reset your password within Milo.,Remember, for Milo-specific questions (e.g.,and start to explore the other features Milo has to offer.
people affiliated to voluntary organisations (e.g. staff, committee/board members) is recorded on Milo,Managing Contacts in Milo Navigate to Contacts - Home Click on the Contacts tab at the top of the screen,contact View/edit contact records Create a new contact These skills are transferable across the other Milo,You can use the same techniques to navigate around Milo and start to explore the other features Milo,If you have any problems or get stuck, you can contact the Milo team at
See the Saltire Awards Objects module for managing Saltire volunteers on Milo.,Managing Volunteer Registrations in Milo Navigate to Volunteer Registrations - Home Click on the Volunteer,registration Creating a placement from volunteer registration These skills are transferable across the other Milo,You can use the same techniques to navigate around Milo and start to explore the other features Milo,If you have any problems or get stuck, you can contact the Milo team at
Introduction This module will allow you to access and start working on Milo.,All Milo users require a named Salesforce licence.,Milo Objects The standard Milo objects (Organisations, Contacts, Volunteering Opportunities, etc.) appear,This takes you to the Edit Milo App Navigation Items screen.,Remember, for Milo-specific questions (e.g.
Introduction Milo holds information about all different types of organisations e.g.: Voluntary Organisations,Partnership/Networks Educational establishments These are managed using the Organisations object in Milo,For an Organisation, Milo provides a wide range of fields in which data can be recorded.,You can use the same techniques to navigate around Milo and start to explore the other features Milo,If you have any problems or get stuck, you can contact the Milo team at
Milo is funded by Scottish Government, and TSIs have been using the system to manage their interactions,Search Milo data Visit Get Involved to search for organisations.,Volunteering Milo enables TSIs to promote local volunteering opportunities via the Volunteer Scotland,Thinking about developing a digital service? Get in touch to see how we might be able to help.
Introduction Milo holds a vast amount of different types of information e.g.: Organisations Contacts,Interactions Reporting helps you to extract the specific information that you require from the data held on Milo,Building a basic Report Creating a mailing list in Milo Managing Reports in Milo Navigate to Reports,You can advance these skills by experimenting with this great feature that Milo offers.,If you have any problems or get stuck, you can contact the Milo team at
Managing Volunteering Opportunities in Milo Click on the Volunteering Opportunities tab at the top of,view and filtering by 'Owner TSI' - see Getting Started for details on how to do this, or contact Milo,Creating a placement from volunteering opportunity These skills are transferrable across the other Milo,You can use the same techniques to navigate around Milo and start to explore the other features Milo,If you have any problems or get stuck, you can contact the Milo team at
of it as an option, our guide is here to help you with the process Digital How to deliver digital services,to provide practical help and information which caters specifically to board members Information Service,The SCVO Information Service offers help for anyone setting up or running a voluntary sector organisation,behalf of the third sector in Scotland, we provide a data management and reporting platform known as Milo