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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Recruiting Digital Champions

If Digital Motivators are changemakers, then Digital Champions are the agents of change.,Champion you can check out 'The Role of the Digital Champion' Getting the right people to be Digital,There are different types of Digital Champions (referenced in our Digital Champion Guide), and you should,consider this as part of how you frame the role in your organisation.,A ‘test and learn’ approach can start to give you an idea of how much time a Digital Champion spends

Supporting Digital Champions

Now that you’ve recruited your Digital Champions it’s time to think about how you provide ongoing support,As a Digital Motivator you have a role to play in nurturing this space and making sure that you contribute,Usually, Digital Champions can advance through the different tiers based on how many people they support,, or how much time they’ve spent providing support.,Impact Stories Being able to quantify how many people have been supported by your Digital Champions is


Doing digital inclusion requires some level of resource.,It can be a commitment to using existing resources, including how your workforce embed digital practices,Key actions Invest in digital upskilling Protect time for workforce digital upskilling Map existing internal,existing external resources In this section we share the different ways an organisation can resource digital,Check out our Digital Inclusion Masterclass video 'Doing digital inclusion with limited resources': https

Measuring impact

of how many people they support, and extrapolate the results.,Digital Champions keep a tally or how many learners they’ve supported, and at the end of the week they,How confident do you feel as a Digital Champion?,What further support would be helpful in your role as a Digital Champion?,This is what we used in SCVO (paid version) to create our What is a Digital Motivator video.

Resource and sustainability

from North West Glasgow Voluntary Sector Network shares some insights on the resources they have and how,v=8cs3rnb_3tw Sustainability The idea of sustainability in digital inclusion is often misunderstood.,Digital inclusion cannot be sustained without ongoing resource, whether this is the purchase of devices,, provision of connectivity or even the availability of people to support digital skills.,When we refer to sustainability in digital inclusion we are really talking about making our efforts '

The role of the Digital Champion

Think of a time when you've supported someone to do something online or when you've shown someone how,It can also feel like a big responsibility and this guide is here to help support you.,Could I be a Digital Champion?,In fact, it actually makes you a better Digital Champion if you don’t know how to do everything.,In this guide we will use the term ‘Digital Champions’ to cover all these terms.

Essential digital skills

Digital Champions can use a risk assessment process to review online safety considerations.,How (digitally) resilient is this individual?,(GCF Global) Online Safety and Privacy: Guide for Digital Champions (One Digital) Top Tips for Staying,Champion Guide.,Before you leave, you can check out the last part of the Digital Motivator Guide: measuring impact or

Village halls as digital champions

We know how vital digital life is now, but not everyone can get online.,about how you could support people with their device and connectivity needs: The skills to use a device,That’s what makes them ideal places to host digital champions! What can a village hall do?,Support local volunteers to become digital champions.,Digital champions are anyone that helps someone get online.

Impact Report 2023/24

including our: New guide to closing down a charity Updated guide to finding funding New charity law,To support this new guidance, SCVO developed resources and guides, ran an exclusive Goodmoves special,show that our staff team are engaged, motivated to achieve SCVO’s objectives and feeling good about,We built relationships and championed the work of the voluntary sector to the media, influencers and,For members using SCVO services, we shared details of how SCVO had made their payroll seamless, supported

Our work to help organisations grow their digital capacity is supported by: