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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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The future of SCVO: consulting on a new strategic approach

The future of SCVO: consulting on a new strategic approach After a time of change and reflection, the,Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is looking for your help to create our new strategic,new strategic plan at the Gathering in the new year.,Consultation We are taking a wide-reaching and inclusive approach to consulting, with the aim of: sense-checking,SCVO’s new purpose and strategic approach with our stakeholders exploring our new approach to membership


We take action to build a better future for voluntary organisations.,funding & procurement We champion Fair Funding, a long-term, flexible, sustainable, and accessible approach,Read more Latest news & opinion The latest news, comment and opinion from SCVO.,Read more Latest consultation responses The latest consultation responses from SCVO.,better regulation work and is responsible for charity law and Fair Funding Contact Kirsten Hogg Has strategic

Is there a future for Scotland’s National Performance Framework? 

At a time when a new policy framework or strategy emerges every week in Scotland with little to no mention,the Scottish Government's statutory obligations – rather than an attempt to seek a fresh impetus and approach,drive the change, choices, and partnerships that Scotland needs over the next 16 years without a more strategic,We want to see a change of language in the 'Fair Work and Business' outcome, a new indicator to measure,SCVO’s recommendations will form just one of many submissions to the government's consultation from voluntary

Post-legislative scrutiny: Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014

SCVO response to the Scottish Parliament Economy and Fair Work Committee's consultation on Assessing,into the Act in 2021. 2021 Scottish Parliament consultation SCVO, along with other voluntary organisations,However, SCVO believes that commissioning authorities are still not taking a strategic approach to community,The voluntary sector remains an untapped resource in relation to taking a strategic approach to community,The organisations SCVO engaged through the consultation process on community wealth building are generally

The Gathering 2023: a round-up

some of the details about the Gathering Extra: We talked to organisations across the sector that had approached,View the Gathering Extra now A greener Gathering Our approach to environmental matters underpins all,of SCVO's strategic objectives.,potential and pitfalls Reflecting on recent developments, this event aimed to get beyond the headlines to a strategic,living with or at risk of HIV.This fantastic event saw discussion on getting the board 'on-board', consulting

The Gathering 2022: a round-up

communities to thrive Climate change is having a devastating impact on our planet A greener Gathering Our strategic,Our approach to environmental matters underpins those objectives.,Palmer, Emeritus Professor from Heriot-Watt University, Viana Maya, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion consultant,opinions will help us to shape our plans for what the Gathering and other events might look like in future,- keep your eyes peeled for more information on the evaluation and our future plans.

Pre-Budget Scrutiny Evidence: Social Justice and Social Security Committee

SCVO supports this aim, which will benefit current and future generations.,Central to this is recognising that the voluntary sector is not just a recipient of funds, but a strategic,communication: Develop engagement protocols that set mutual expectations, including aspects such as consultation,Justice and Social Security Committee highlighted the importance of enhanced data collection to target new,funding intentions at least three months in advance and make payments no later than the first day of the new

SCVO Impact

and delivering a more joined-up approach to customer service across SCVO’s different teams.,SCVO policy-driven interactions 20 SCVO policy briefings and consultation responses 7 committee appearances,to European Funding Where SCVO represented the sector Deputy First Minister’s Covid Recovery Strategic,Group Scottish Leaders Forum leadership group Accountability and Incentives action group Gold Strategic,. 1,000 articles published 1 million page views Research to shape the future SCVO’s Third Sector Tracker

Review of National Outcomes 2023 - SCVO response to call for evidence

frameworks and the NPF, resulting in a chaotic strategic vision.,strategies claim alignment with the NPF, such as the recent publication "Equality, opportunity, community: New,For example, civil servants mentioned that the NPF is no longer emphasised in the induction packs for new,on, develop, and publish a new NPF every five years.,Generations Report by the Future Generations Commissioner in 2020.

SCVO response to Building Community Wealth consultation (Scottish Government)

SCVO welcome the Scottish Government’s commitment to an economic approach which focuses on tackling inequalities,Summary of recommendations SCVO welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Scottish Government’s consultation,National Investment Bank – and establishing opportunities for long-term strategic partnerships between,SCVO’s engagement with TSIs in pilot areas has revealed that many have not been consulted or included,SCVO has highlighted the importance of Fair Work in our Fair Work Nation consultation response in 2021