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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee Inquiry on Scottish Government Draft Budget 2019-2020

fail to discourage ‘parking and creaming’, and will also see small providers, subcontracted, waiting long,This feedback should form the basis of the process within the next round of contracts.,One way this could be achieved is by shifting our approach to valuing the contribution each of us can,largest Scotland-wide membership from the sector – our 1,900 members include charities, community groups, social,works to support people to take voluntary action to help themselves and others, and to bring about social

Scottish Government: Taking Scotland Forward – Scotland’s Economy, Short Term Resilience and Long Term

The simple, clear and strong message from our SCVO’s Economy for All paper published earlier this year,As such, whilst economic growth can lead to increased levels of employment, which may help to reduce,contributions people make to our society and economy whether or not they are paid for those contributions,– as outlined in our Employability, social justice and contribution discussion paper.,security and employability to rethink how we both help people into the economy and support those who

Reference briefing: Scotland’s Labour Market Strategy

Any labour market strategy which aims to simultaneously promote employment and social justice, must also,In light of this, valuing all forms of contribution is key.,These forms of contribution too deserve support and recognition.,The social contract which has governed our welfare state in the post-war era appears out-dated in the,justice.

Briefing: issues for the third sector beyond 2016

told Age UK they felt lonely “always” or “often”, while 350,000 elderly people said TV was their main form,Our sector also recognises that people contribute to society in many ways beyond paid employment, by,Engender: Gender and other forms of equality are preconditions of sustainable, equitable growth.,Support – SCVO Response Employability, social justice and contribution discussion paper Work, wages,and wellbeing in the Scottish labour market A social justice strategy for Scotland An Economy for All

SCVO 2016 Holyrood Manifesto - Key Themes

What we would like to see: Discussion of the role of our tax system.,discussion paper.,This paper concluded that while paid employment remains one of the best ways in which people can take,SCVO believes that we need to value all forms of contribution, not just jobs, and to tailor support to,New Social Security Powers How new powers might be used has been the subject of ongoing discussions throughout

#Employability special - work, worth and a fairer Scotland

Volunteer Glasgow reflects on why SCVO’s “big idea” aligns with existing volunteering needs, strategies and