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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Coronavirus and Scotland Follow up, Scottish Affairs Select Committee - response from SCVO

This funding was in some ways a sticking plaster, masking the systemic problems with public sector investment,While some organisations had to close during or after the pandemic, other groups which were formed to,be operating in 12 months' time, the lowest confidence we have seen since we started to regularly survey,These funds went a long way to helping voluntary organisations through the immediate pressures of the,Trust for Care Experienced Young People in Dumfries and Galloway were awarded to support both moving

SCVO response to the Social Justice & Social Security Committee: Charities (Regulation & Administration,) (Scotland) Bill

(Regulation and Administration) (Scotland) Bill conducted in January 2023 via an online survey and meetings,decades, the need for modernisation and improvement has been a long-time coming.,have occasionally led to issues around public trust, and the growth of non-voluntary sector bodies engaged,As OSCR’s own Scottish Charity Survey 2022 has shown, 25% of charities are concerned about the recruitment,in post-legislation guidance from OSCR.

SCVO response to Scottish Parliament - Post-legislative Scrutiny of The Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016

SCVO Lobbying Act - Post-Legislative ScrutinyDownload About SCVO The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations,, Trust or Advocacy Body with 2736 (40%)" [2] In reality, we consider this figure to be a low estimate,Broadly, the Act seeks to “increase public transparency about lobbying”.,Fundamentally, the Act is built entirely on trust.,While going from no form of registration to some form of registration would inevitably create additional

SCVO submission to the House of Lords: lessons from coronavirus

in England and Wales. 1,104 charities in Scotland are cross-border and registered with both the Charity,The Scottish Household Survey reveals that 28% of adults in Scotland volunteer.,sector, with more than half (59%) of this earned in the form of contracts.,Over half (51%) of charities surveyed by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator in May 2020 had,These are long-term issues for the voluntary sector – we need consistent, core investment for the long

Coronavirus, next steps & communities

But, for many of Scotland's charities and community groups, the outlook for 2020 was already 'unsettled,Respondents to our 2019 Sector Forecast Survey echoed known challenges of increasing demand against a,activities.Increased demand: There is a need for funding to meet the expected increased demand on the sector post-lockdown,Time is required to form new social partnerships between the government and different sectors.Lessons,build new, balanced, and trusting partnerships that can genuinely change outcomes rather than the transactional

Third Sector Forecast 2019

About the survey The survey was open from 21 November 2018 to 9 January 2019, and distributed through,The survey was completed by 318 respondents. 2.,Again, figures show no improvement on 2016 survey responses.,cuts as a key challenge and 27% as a secondary challenge 88% of respondents currently access some form,and no signs of improvement” “Recruitment and retention as the rise in the Living Wage devalues our posts

Developing this website

SCVO has a long history with an online presence - over 19 years.,via the Community Jobs Scotland scheme.,Rolling out Good HQ as a trust and engagement platform for the sector.,Providing trusted information on running charities to our members and the wider sector.,At the Gathering in 2017, we ran a number of surveys for each of our websites where we asked delegates

Public trust & support of charities is high in Scotland

9 out of 10 people have supported a charity in the last year 82% of people in Scotland trust charities,The findings of a survey of more than 1,000 people in Scotland, published today by the Scottish Council,for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), show that people in Scotland trust and strongly support charities,John Downie, Director of Public Affairs, SCVO said: “Everything charities do hinges on public trust,,so it’s really encouraging to see that people in Scotland trust charities and continue to support them

Time for charities to shape future of Scottish fundraising regulation

a system to make sure that the public can have trust and confidence in the work they do, and take action,in charity fundraising, inspires public trust and promotes good fundraising.,The public expect the highest standards from our charities and public trust and confidence in the sector,an online survey.,see People can respond to the consultation until 31 March 2016 by: Completing an online survey

Charities must take responsibility for fundraising in Scotland

SCVO media release 23 September We need to do more to maintain public trust in fundraising Trustees and,More than half (59%) of respondents to a survey on charity fundraising in Scotland said their trust,Martin Sime, Chief Executive, SCVO said: “Everything charities do hinges on public trust, so it’s absolutely,“Self-regulation is still the best way to oversee fundraising in Scotland but we need a much simpler,on views about fundraising among members of the public, charities with an interest in the sector’s reputation