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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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SCVO response to Building Community Wealth consultation (Scottish Government)

work, such as Fair Funding and procurement, Fair Work, the sector’s role in the economy, and partnership,Recommendation: Committed funding is needed to help train, develop and support volunteers and trustees,Fair Work and Fair Funding within the voluntary sector are inherently linked.,To pay the Living Wage and realise Fair Work, public grant funding and procured contracts should build,Committed funding is needed to help train, develop and support volunteers and trustees to support engagement

Programme for Government proposal: Charity Regulation for a modern voluntary sector

Our proposals for the Programme for Government 2023/2024 cover three areas: Delivering Fair Funding by,prospectus, including commitments to progress Fairer Funding, implement multi-year funding deals, embed,Charities have adapted to social and demographic changes, funding and policy trends, the opportunities,and challenges of new technology and increased connectivity, and increasingly engaging procurement processes,Address a lack of diversity in trustees in the sector.

SCVO response to Becoming a Fair Work Nation consultation

almost three quarters (72%) of Scottish charities are run entirely by volunteers, including over 250,000 trustees,Without Fair Work policy change, the increasing reliance on the ‘civic core’ (where a minority of formal,, relating to single-year funding and procurement and commissioning.,Work First policy.,As discussed in depth in our response, existing funding and procurement practices undermine aspirations

SCVO consultation response to the Scottish Government's Resource Spending Review

Contracting bodies must ensure voluntary organisations with procured contracts are properly funded to,Contracting bodies must ensure voluntary organisations with procured contracts are properly funded to,decisions and the legal duty of Trustees to provide evidence that their organisation can operate on,Procurement Another important aspect of voluntary sector funding is ensuring a procurement system which,As with other funding arrangements, voluntary organisations with procured contracts should be properly

SCVO submission to the Law Family Commission on Civil Society

These numbers include over 250,000 trustees of voluntary organisations in Scotland.,is essential to articulating its contribution in areas such as employability, local economies, and fair,Link in with ongoing efforts in Scotland to make progress on partnership working, funding and procurement,These timeframes and restrictions on funding limit the impact and fairness of these funds and their ability,Contact Paul Bradley - Policy and Public Affairs Officer

SCVO response to the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery

Rethinking procurement: There must be a significant shift to person-centred procurement models that put,It should be present throughout the policy cycle.,Rethinking procurement There must be a significant shift to person-centred procurement models that put,There are also over 250,000 trustees across Scotland who help manage, shape, and guide voluntary sector,organisations, and private sector organisations have a role to play in encouraging their employees to become trustees

SCVO response to Scottish Parliament Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee

SCVO response to Scottish Parliament Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee Download the PDF version of,in the same policy area.”,They ignored this and went ahead and procured separately asking providers to bring their own match.,This causes immense pressure on trustees who not knowing if there is funding should be issuing redundancy,Procurement and National Rules. The procurement process has been protracted.

The Future of Social Care in Scotland

at Glasgow University Business School who also has great experience in our sector having served as a Trustee,from other policy and social concerns.,Survey 60% of respondents answered yes to the question ‘have you abstained from or withdrawn from a procurement,This is not to say that merely redesigning procurement processes will be enough to ensure sustainability,Funding for such initiatives must, however, reflect their value in being sustainable, fair and have longevity

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