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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Renewing Scotland’s full potential in a digital world

vision and actions for the Digital Strategy, recognising the changed landscape in the wake of the coronavirus,The education has to be there, with clear policies and pathways in place.”,supported 200 organisations to achieve Cyber Essentials, a recognised cyber resilience standard.During Coronavirus,and resilientVoluntary organisations did not have time or capacity to conduct their own digital research,rolesEmbedding service design and user-driven digital service development right across the sectorOngoing research

A perfect storm is coming

restrictions were eased slightly as we entered Phase 1 in Scotland’s route map through and out of the coronavirus,Today we publish an overview of what research has been telling us about the impact the crisis has had,Please do continue to get involved and share your experiences and research so that we can amplify the

The voluntary sector & coronavirus - what we've learned from your experiences

In SCVO’s role coordinating the Coronavirus Third Sector Information Hub, those anxieties and uncertainties,Your experiences are critical in helping us make the right choices, so please keep telling us how coronavirus,in this short form on our websiteShare your stories as part of the #NeverMoreNeeded campaign My research,colleagues have also been gathering more formal research from across the sector to add to the Third,If you have survey information to share please send it to

SCVO response to the Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee

basis of our evidence, along with recent feedback from employers and employees gathered during the coronavirus,In a programme evaluation conducted by the Training & Employment Research Unit from the University of,On one hand, policies are key levers in encouraging employers to employ more young people. ,Evidence from CJS suggests that many employers and employees do not have knowledge of key policies at,This would include, for example, resources towards raising awareness of policies for employers and employees

SCVO submission to the House of Lords: lessons from coronavirus

July 2020 Lessons from coronavirus - House of Lords Select Committee on Public Service - July 2020 (PDF,tirelessly to ensure that human rights are protected, that the environment is front and centre in policy,employers and economic actors vital to driving forward economic recovery, as well as crucial medical research,The voluntary sector has stepped up to the plate throughout the coronavirus crisis.,Research-based charities will have crucial insights to contribute to national discussions.

Coronavirus, next steps & communities

briefing to the Scottish Parliament - Debate: COVID-19 Next Steps (Communities) SCVO briefing - coronavirus,tirelessly to ensure that human rights are protected, that the environment is front and centre in policy,Recent SCVO research from May 2020 now highlights a predicted 30% drop in income this year for voluntary,The Scottish Government's commitment to a 'green recovery' must mean that any medium- and long-term policy,Contact Paul Bradley, Policy Team –

Right now, trustees are #NeverMoreNeeded

During the last few months we have seen an amazing volunteer response to the coronavirus pandemic, with,New research has found that 10 million people across the UK have volunteered during the pandemic, and,Coronavirus has brough new governance challenges to boards and meetings have moved online.

SCVO response to the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery

Before the coronavirus crisis hit Scotland, SCVO’s Policy Forum published a Manifesto for the Future.,Research-based charities will have crucial insights to contribute to national discussions.,It should be present throughout the policy cycle.,Research published by Close the Gap has also found that the coronavirus pandemic is already having a,Contact Paul Bradley, Policy Team –

Covid-19 - a framework for decision making

19-Framework-for-Decision-MakingDownload Summary The voluntary sector’s contribution during the coronavirus,build on the increased understanding and appreciation of the voluntary sector’s role during the coronavirus,It is also important to recognise the strength of the community-based response to coronavirus, and for,of our global/international responsibilities, as well as our responsibilities here at home, and research-based,Information on the response was circulated to the 334 members of our Policy group, and specific comments

New world, same rules: safeguarding and privacy

response to questions and challenges the voluntary sector are facing as they adapt to the demands of coronavirus,Jenn Goff, Waverley Care Your safeguarding policies are the same ones you’ve always had in place – they,traffic light tool to show where you are, what you need to do and provides advice and guidance on your policies, - tools, tips and best practices - compiled by Dan Moxon, member of the Pool of European Youth Researchers

Get involved

Collaborate with us and our members to develop and promote voluntary sector policy perspectives for Scotland