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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Brexit: Not what the doctor ordered

It’s said that ‘defence of the realm is the first duty of government’.,this is the primary duty, there never seems to follow a list ranking the other ‘lesser’ duties of government,Brexit on health and social care services look like a genuine dereliction on the part of the UK Government,However, along with colleagues we are pushing the UK Government to properly assess the impact of Brexit

Submission to UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights

Universal Credit (UC), the UK Government’s new benefit system for working age claimants, is just one,can and should explore [we recognise that the Scottish Government plan to support some basic income,By incentivising and strengthening the Business pledge the Scottish Government could further encourage,The Scottish Government could require all businesses to commit to the Business pledge, or as a minimum,New technology in the welfare system The UK and Scottish Government are increasingly moving services

Society Lotteries – DCMS Consultation

SCVO response to UK Government 05 September 2018 This paper is now: Published Our Position SCVO supports,people.SCVO supports raising the draw limit to £10 million, including in the scenario where the Government,Our Response This is SCVO’s response to the UK Government’s proposed changes to rules that govern Society,The annual sales limit The UK Government's preferred option is to increase the society lottery annual,Therefore, SCVO encourages the UK Government to implement proposed changes by January 2019.

News: SCVO responds to Programme for Scotland 2018/19

Executive for the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) responded today to the Scottish Government’s,Programme for Scotland 2018-19: “There’s plenty in the Programme for Government that will make a real,“But while the Scottish Government has clearly given some serious thought to the long-term future of

Key promises show the sector can deliver the change Scotland needs

Not when the Programme for Government is the main item of the day – with two subsequent days of debate,and a series of Ministerial elaborations to follow This is the SNP’s twelfth Programme for Government,As always, the Programme for Government is packed with content, including 12 new Bills (see pg 25).,– particularly when Brexit and independence remain spectres at the feast and there are still 13 Government,SCVO welcomes these announcements and the Government’s willingness to look at the long term future of

Peers urged to stop Government plans to water down post-Brexit rights

Consortium Scotland have written to members of the House of Lords to ask them to change the UK Government’s,The UK Government claims that this will in effect not lessen our legal rights but many, including the,They also want assurance that the UK Government will not use ‘delegated powers’ – regulations passed

What we have learned from our Cyber Resilience project

we issued grants of between £500 and £1,500 to help organisations achieve Cyber Essentials - a Government-backed,We are working closely with the Cyber Resilience Unit of the Scottish Government and other third sector

Get involved in FMQT Next Generation

Nations Conventions of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in domestic law in the recent Programme for Government,that future First Minister’s will commit to taking part in future events, whichever party is in government

Community Capacity & Resilience Fund Project Contract

Resilience Fund programme The Community Capacity & Resilience Fund is financed by the Scottish Government,retain appropriate documentation to meet compliance and audit requirements agreed between Scottish Government,Reporting on a regular basis to the Scottish Government and producing a final report on the success of

Funding Scotland