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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

Making human rights local in Scotland's third sector

to continue to develop not only our own knowledge and use of human rights, but push the Scottish Government,The Government is so far talking in positive abstract principles of dignity and respect.

Autumn Statement offers little hope to people supported by Scotland’s charities and voluntary organisations

hope to the people that Scotland’s charities and voluntary organisations support, and comes from a Government,restore the link between inflation and benefits, and has reversed a mere £700 million of the UK Government’s,affordable housing and infrastructure will see £800 million in Barnett consequentials for the Scottish Government

Little to be happy about in Chancellor's budget

delivery around Universal Credit (UC) and Employment Support Allowance (ESA) remains with the UK Government,fight even harder to ensure the funding we receive covers the costs of the work we do The Scottish Government,SCVO has suggested that the Scottish Government should investigate using the power to top-up benefits,However, as the Scottish Government’s Independent Advisor on Poverty and Inequality Naomi Eisenstadt,The UK Government has honoured its commitment to spend 0.7% of Gross National Income (GNI) on overseas

Annual Review 2015-16 Text Only

Supporting new approaches to tackling welfare reform With funding from the Scottish Government, our Community,from labour market We visited Glenboig Neighbourhood House, near Coatbridge, to launch a Scottish Government-funded,Gary Gray, Head of Welfare Services, Poppy Scotland said: “This government funding will broaden the employment

SCVO Policy Committee is an invaluable source of knowledge

least Brexit, alongside the growing harsh reality of far-reaching trends such as budget cuts across governments

The #rightapproach to children's rights

Earlier this year, a UN Committee delivered a report to the UK government on the human rights of children,concluded that, despite some progress since its last report in 2008, too often decisions can be made by governments,Our Report provides a roadmap for government, parliament and practitioners to support them in taking

Q&A on fundraising and being a trustee

Good governance is key to good fundraising practice; and a critical part of this is strategy.,What do you think of suggestions that charity trustees should be paid in order to improve governance,But instilling and following good governance is a fundamental part of the role of a trustee, and should,As I said before, a fundamental part of a trustee’s role is to do with governance.,the organisation raises funds, and the mechanisms for doing so, falls within the remit of good governance

It’s time to secure the #rightapproach to care

Feedback from the Scottish Government’s 2014 consultation on reviewing National Care Standards in Scotland,Obviously, changing the standards that govern social care won't be enough to solve the puzzle of commissioning

Ten things every trustee needs to know

Good Trustees equals Good Governance.,Following the success of our Autumn 2016 CASS Building Better Governance Seminars, we’re planning more

Our top 10 tips to prepare for changes in data protection law

data should be able to identify that it is personal data and be aware of the basic principles which govern

Funding Scotland