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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

The water charge exemption is changing

Detailed information is available from the Scottish Government.,You can find out more about becoming a Community Amateur Sports Club from the Scottish Government and,Your own sport’s governing body may also be able to give advice.

Briefing: issues for the third sector beyond 2016

The Scottish Government have accepted the fairer Scotland principles.,Use newly devolved social security powers to mitigate the impact of UK Government welfare cuts on disabled,On their own, national and local governments cannot solve these problems or create a fairer and more,By adopting long-term strategies government, business and wider civil society can re-think how people,The question is: is the new Scottish Government willing to be the catalyst for a change of approach –

Alan Yentob and Kids Company board are a disgrace

Kid’s Company demise is ultimately down to a total failure of governance by its chair and board of trustees,Alan Yentob, tried and utterly failed to justify any semblance of effective management and good governance,Kathy_CEO_CE) October 15, 2015 The demise of Kid’s Company is ultimately down to a total failure of governance,members know that, as one of my colleagues put it, ‘you can never underestimate the power of good governance

How to pan for gold and treasure it! #TrusteesWeek

To mark Trustees’ Week, we’ve revised our governance information by introducing a new one stop shop for

Cinema nights – the Secret Service with a licence to thrill!

former ‘Bridewell Prison’ of Edinburgh, can be found the Criminal Justice Division of the Scottish Government

#TrusteesWeek round-up and podcast

And we added a whole new section on good governance to our website.,1st Natalie Toyne from Oak Note Theatre If, like me, you don't have much experience of charity governance

Much for Scotland's Trustees to be proud of during #TrusteesWeek

They were in Scotland as part of a visit to the UK, funded by the EU and the Swedish Government, to learn,So, suprisingly (to myself at least), I found that I was talking about governance structures, reputational

#Trusteesweek - keeping up with our changing world

direction in their strategy last week Scandals likes Kids Company have highlighted the need for good governance

How to avoid the naughty step! #TrusteesWeek

Remember there is a difference between governance and day-to-day operational management.,People don’t tend to join boards because they love governance.,Good governance is vital for your organisation’s long term future.

Funding Scotland