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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Community groups awarded funds to get people online

Participation Challenge fund, delivered by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations with Scottish Government

Briefing: Land reform in Scotland - Scottish Liberal Democrat Conference 2015

Land Reform Bill The Scottish Government’s response to the LRRG has been encouraging and we support the,Responsibilities Policy which will ensure that momentum is maintained behind land reform and that successive governments,family trusts to avoid tax, then OSCR should be using its regulatory powers to investigate the governance,charities, community groups, social enterprises and voluntary organisations of all shapes and sizes our governance

A competitive economy can be a fair one too

The reaction to the Scottish Government's new economic strategy (especially by the private sector) has,Governments can influence the economy but, despite their futile attempts, they can’t influence economic,Of course that old argument about government not interfering in the economy or markets only holds true,everyone else’s – is that when the market changes to their disadvantage they want all too willing governments

The Invisible Women

But this astonishing figure is not reflected in policy circles, the media or government response in Scotland,Our joint statement calls on both governments to: Use analysis of how legislation will impact on different

Why governments must face up to the failure to tackle inequality

As the Scottish Government announces its programme later today, it’s worth noting that over one fifth,That must be the starting point for the new Cabinet, for the Government programme and for whatever comes

Briefing: Scottish Government debate on human rights

Opportunities to embed a rights based approach There have been opportunities for the Scottish Government,The issue of access to food sits across a range of Scottish Government policy portfolios and key groups,It must be a key element of government (at all levels) and sit at the heart of policy and legislation,It must mean something to people and communities affected by government policy.,With the ability to create social security policy, even on a relatively small scale, how can governments

Welfare Funds (Scotland) Bill Stage 3 Briefing

Fund in future: “Such a situation would give rise to a risk that local authorities – or future governments,of caring[ix] The Stage 2 debate reflected concerns amongst parliamentarians about the Scottish Government,who are part of a family facing exceptional pressure, or (b)> More widely, we urge the Scottish Government,Ensuring Effective Review We welcome work being done by the Scottish Government to review, evaluate and,Given the critical nature of the Fund and the concerns outlined above, both Government and parliamentary

More than 1,000 new jobs created for young unemployed people in Scotland's charities

and tomorrow in the SECC, Glasgow, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced that the Scottish Government,Community Jobs Scotland (CJS), created by SCVO with Scottish Government funding created 5,546 paid jobs

SCVO briefing: Scottish Government debate on welfare - 12 November 2014

analyses to date on the use of and impact of sanctions on benefit claimants In line with third sector, government,In our submission for today’s debate on human rights, we argue that future governments must ensure access,charities, community groups, social enterprises and voluntary organisations of all shapes and sizes our governance,new-report-welfare-reform-making-life-worse-for-people-with-hiv-and-hepatitis/ [ix] [x] SCVO briefing, Scottish Government

Funding Scotland